Please note:

  • All these street organ arrangements for my modifed Topsy 3 are home-made. Contact me if you want a custom arrangement - whether a modification of a number below or something new - for your own street organ, musical box, barrel piano, or whatever.
  • The MP3s below use Virtual Studio Technology: this is NOT the real sound, and someone needs to sing!
  • Lyrics or translations can be displayed live on a screen, karaoke-style.
An hini a garanTrad. vannetais / Alan Stivellbr1973Her man has emigrated in search of work.
Утомлённое солнце (Weary sun)/To ostatnia niedziela (This is the last Sunday)Jerzy Petersburski / Zenon Friedwald / Iosif Alvek / Pavel Mikhailovru1935Polish tango about failed love, also done in a Russian, Black Sea-ish version. Featured in Yuriy Norshteyn's stunning Tale of Tales.
Video, possibly from another time or person:
Land of my fathersEvan James / James James / Private Eyeen cy1856Phonetic transliteration of the Welsh: My hen laid a haddock on top of a tree / Glad farts and centurions throw dogs in the sea.
Ostavaysya, brat Vanyukha / Stay well put, oh brother JohnnyRussian folkru en1850ishIn the repertoire of Grigorovich's Petersburg Organ-Grinders
LuchinushkaRussian folkru1800ishIn the repertoire of Grigorovich's Petersburg Organ-Grinders
KatinkaRussian folkru1800ishThe belle of the village was Katie. In the repertoire of Grigorovich's Petersburg Organ-Grinders
Malbrook s'en va-t-en guerre / Mal'bruk na voynu edetRussian folkru fr1709ishIn the repertoire of Grigorovich's Petersburg Organ-Grinders

Update: 2023/03/06