My gods, my emperor, my town, my business

Key historical dates from an early 19th century Austrian almanac.

The multi-faith Toleranz-Bothe / “Tolerance Courier” was published by Jakob Friedrich Schwab in Vienna from soon after Joseph II’s quid pro quo, whereby followers of alternative cloud-based magicians (“my ducats, my daughter”) gained rights to periodic bouts of madness in exchange for integration with the burgeoning state. Years elapsed since:

  • The Creation, according to Calvin (5768), the new Greeks and, up to Peter the Great, the Russians (i.e. the Byzantine calendar; 7327), and the Jews (5579).
  • First Olympiads (2595) and foundation of Rome, according to the conventional (2572) and to Nabossar’s reformed Babylonian (2568) calendars.
  • Flight of the True God from Mecca to Medina (1234), birth of Christ (1819), establishment of new imperial calendar (42).
  • Discovery of paper manufacture (447) and book printing (379).
  • Establishment of the city of Vienna (1429), accession to power of the Babenbergs (836), ditto the Habsburgs (527), extinction of male Habsburg line (79), birth of Kaiser Franz (51), accession of Franz II in all Austrian hereditary lands (28), invention of the Austrian Empire (15).
  • Patent of Toleration (38), first publication of this encyclopaedia of tolerance (33).
  • Beginning of the Julian Period (astronomers care about this; 6532).

Notable omission: the adoption of coffee.

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Last updated 22/04/2016
Categories Les bourgeois

Julian day (1): Julian day is the continuous count of days since the beginning of the Julian Period and is used primarily by astronomers, and in software for easily calculating elapsed days between two events.

Kaleboel (4307):

Nabonassar (1): Nabû-nāṣir, inscribed in cuneiform as dAG-PAB or dAG-ŠEŠ-ir, Greek: Ναβονάσσαρος, whence "Nabonassar", and meaning "Nabû protector", was the king of Babylon 747–734 BC.

Patent of Toleration (2): The Patent of Toleration was an edict of toleration issued on 13 October 1781 by the Habsburg emperor Joseph II.


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