Estate agent

–Hello, Fincas X.

–Hello, Fincas X. You contacted us this morning via the website.
–Hi, thanks for calling. Actually I asked you clearly only to contact me by email.
–It’s company policy not to reply by email to incoming email.
–OK. First I’d be grateful if you’d tell me which town the house is in.
–It’s company policy not to reveal that information.
–Well it’s actually quite relevant to me.
–Why are you so keen to know? I am beginning to suspect you of an ulterior motive.
–OK, give me a clue. Is it in the north, the east, the west or the south of the comarca (administrative district)?
–I’m afraid I can’t tell you that. Are you a serious customer?
–OK, I’m going to hang up now.
–Wait, it’s between X and Y.
–That’s not very helpful. X is at the extreme north of the comarca and Y at the extreme south. Can you send me some more pictures and tell me a bit about the village?
–As I told you, it is company policy not to send email. I can’t tell you about the village.
–So what makes you think I’ll come all the way from Barcelona to visit you?
–If it is not convenient for you to speak now, you can call me later on this number.

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