
Looking for something else, I just found this grammar, lexicon and corpus of Syldavian, the invented language used in the Tintin adventures King Ottokar’s Sceptre, Destination Moon and The Calculus Affair. Since I read Hergé before I learnt Dutch, and since, while old Syldavian uses the Roman alphabet, the contemporary script is Cyrillic, I’d always…

money, literature, access

Andrew Motion says that important manuscripts held in Britain shouldn’t be sold abroad. Since they’re currently only available to a very small group of people anyway, this seems pretty daft to me. I say digitalise them, publish them on the web, and use revenues from the sale of the originals to finance improvements in education,…

nationalism is bad for business

Empirical proof: yesterday’s rant-filled page impressions (excluding repeats from the same IP) were 20% higher than the previous record, but click-through earnings were the lowest since Christmas Day. Going up a level, do you think it is an attractive signal to outside investors (hint from JB) that ERC, the party currently holding the balance of…