OK, I’ve had enough, I’m leaving

Current results have the ruling PP getting severely punished, the opposition socialists facing a huge challenge in cobbling together a coalition without destroying the party, and Catalan separatists coming pretty close to overtaking their more conventional comrades. However, it’s not the prospect of a re-run of the Catalan regional elections in the next couple of…


… is high across the country. Here’s a good graphic showing historical figures during the course of election days in Barcelona; more here, including stats for individual neighbourhoods.

al-qaeda & al-andalus

A number of people I spoke to yesterday were firmly convinced that Mr Aznar had himself planted the bombs, and that even al-Qaeda would be better than another Partido Popular term in power. Since most of these people also believe that one can have rational conversations with trees (but not, apparently, with prickly shrubs), it’s…