Someone a while back invented a verb that they thought would guerrilla-brand Barcelona’s Raval district and managed to have a fake letter of protest published in La Retaguardia, Barcelona’s favourite sucker rag. Here it is in Googlish:
Ravalejar is an invented, nonexistent, absurd word. A false and unnecessary word. I do not know what means: to take a walk by the Raval, to live in the Raval, to buy, to eat, to drink, to amuse themselves, to love in the Raval? Or perhaps everything simultaneously? To a false verb it is not possible to attribute to him meant. What we are suggesting to our children: that he is legitimate to create words of the anything, because if ‘? What will be the following thing: to Diagonalear, to Guineuetear, or, perhaps, to SantaColomear?
Nice try, but months into the campaign I’ve still yet to hear anyone using the word.
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no escrius massa bé en anglès.
Looks like you don’t either, smartypants