Colin Davies refers to progress in his neck of the desert. I am told that staff at a distinguished Barcelona institute of higher education, none of whom speak English, have petitioned to have Basque rather than English as the third language on their website “because we can speak Spanish to them, and what are we going to do if foreigners see English on the site and think they can come here and use it in class?”
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The Generalitat’s web page on the new 250 euro bung to landlords (sorry, young people who wish to “emancipate themselves”) is only available in Catalan.
Given that all Spanish and EU citizens are entitled to this help, one wonders if it might be a deliberate ploy to concentrate the money in the hands of the more deserving and “integrat” sections of the immigrant community. Obviously only immigrants will take this up, as catalans find it demeaning to rent.
Blut und Bauzulage
“Obviously only immigrants will take this up, as catalans find it demeaning to rent.” – is this about how the Jews and Scots don’t like spending money? Naughty, naughty…