Angelina Jolie quiere “irse lejos de Hollywood” y piensa en Los Ángeles

Barcepundit has a cracker from Telecinco, which appears to based this: Mientras que Brad estrena su piso de soltero, Angelina Jolie parece decidida a buscar el lugar perfecto para trasladarse y empezar de cero con sus seis hijos. Entre sus opciones se encuentran Madrid o Los Ángeles y, aunque aún no ha decidido dónde, lo…

Massive cock

Here, in a magical photo by John Robertson. It would be interesting to know which Morris group it belongs to. We’ve been thinking about cockerel costumes rather like a pantomime horse, large enough to be split into two, large enough to fit a river, a mountain and a wolf (or three children dressed as them)…

The storks of war

A fragment from Italo Calvino’s quasi-17th century folk romance, Il visconte dimezzato/The cloven viscount, uses storks as a portent of battle. Several unconnected 2nd century Greek accounts might appear to do the same, perhaps particularly if one’s a lazy sod and doesn’t read anything but scraps of stuff on Google Books.

Gabriel Cabrera Mendez me roba contenido

Prueba: Data Whois: Domain name: babelxelsabio.comRegistrant:Gabriel Cabrera Mendez (SROW-1351833)Trv. de Pizarro, 5MERIDA BADAJOZ 06800 ES+34 924300519 Administrative contact:Gabriel Cabrera Mendez (SRCO-2126877)Trv. de Pizarro, 5MERIDA BADAJOZ06800 ES+34 924300519Technical contact:Gabriel Cabrera Mendez (SRCO-2126878)Trv. de Pizarro, 5MERIDA BADAJOZ06800 ES+34 924300519 Domain servers in listed 25 Jul 2006 10:25:41:000 UTCExpires: 25 Jul 2011 10:25:41:000 UTCLast…

Time to be seasick?

Spain’s National Research Council has an intriguing tag on the page advertising the Botanical Garden: It’s time for research, it’s time to life … It is time CSIC Fucked translation is an art practised all over Spain, not just in Catalonia and Andalusia.

Catalan language policy: Marxist, Stalinist, Francoist or fascist?

The precedents for, and some possible implications of, the Catalanisation of Barcelona’s cinemas. Plus some crowd-pleasing video of the Quebec language police in action. (Allez! Allez! Allez! And the hell with the economy!) All in somewhat fevered response to an article by Martin Dahms in the Tages-Anzeiger.

The etymology and typology of “trash bean”

Kindly contributed by C, here’s a sign from the toilets of a restaurant in Jaén: Don’t though any papers into the water close. Use the trash bean. There is too much material here to deal with in one post, but we can report that modern forensic linguistics, combined with a couple of glasses of wine,…

The secret language of doctors

Why and how the 17th century Portuguese tropical medicine specialist, Aleixo de Abreu, tried to prevent proles from reading his cure for scurvy.

Scorbutic gums, CC from <a href=''>Wikimedia Commons</a>