Three Russian rooster animations

“Big cock” and “The old man and the cock are versions of “Medio pollico” / “Demi-coq”, and “Why the cock wears shorts” is something else.

But this *is* my good side!

Modifications to Slovak language law

Bulbul on spasmodic change in another ethno-polity which gets a kick from auto-strangulation. At least Mishima didn’t manage to drag the whole of Japanese society into his heroic belly-op.

The PSOE’s non-guerra in Afghanistan

I don’t think anyone would dispute that Iraq destroyed the PP as an electoral machine for a decade. For a multitude of reasons, the increasing chaos in Afghanistan is unlikely to have the same effect on the PSOE, but Zapatero rolled into La Moncloa on chants of “¡No a la guerra!”, and so considerable pressure…

Reagrupament and mesophrase, the subcategory of translation that Dryden forgot

Candide of CataloniaWatch appears to have come to the conclusion that watching Catalonia is rather like watching paint dry, but without the happy ending. However, before retiring to cultivate its (keep reading) garden it sent me excerpts from a Catalan constitution proposed by Reagrupament which it found in a bar following the Hapsburg Pretender Day…

Spain’s worst monuments

A fine selection here. I updated WP to 3.0.1 from 2.9.something (solving the memory issues–I think the blurb said that the footprint was smaller, but that’s blatantly false), but I’m still catching up on work neglected in August so not much posting in prospect.

La Moncloa prints press conference Arabic backwards

It may slowly be dawning on even Zapatero, with his great Alliance of Civilisations, that the road to الجحيم is paved with good intentions. A recent post here found Hebrew characters ordered back-to-front, and, perhaps to demonstrate evenhandedness in Spanish treatment of Semites, last week Zapatero’s communications staff struck back with some arse-over-tit Arabic. Moeh…

Alicante restaurant serves fragmentation hand grenade for dessert

Having survived Liverpool, the intrepid Mr Harvey returns to Spain only to find himself menaced by pork lions, and worse. Our neighbourhood revolutionary proposes to visit this establishment, purchase 50 fragmentation hand grenades (incredibly cheap at €3.5), and call trading standards if they try any lousy scam, like serving pineapple.