Degustando Barcelona

… are syndicating my History of Barcelona feed, so it must work in some sense. It may work even better now I’ve blocked Ukraine, Russia and Moldova, which were contributing 5% of traffic (Ukraine = 4%) in the form of spam and other shite. Most comment spam comes from the US, but then so does…

Collserola bike accident anecdotes

Here, by Alexis Rosell. I’ve never fallen off up there, although the back-pedal brakes on my subsequently stolen one-speed bike once caught fire coming down.
Cruikshank print of the Regent and Lady Hertford falling off a velocipede (1819, <a href=''>British Museum).

Generalitat de Catalunya: St George is Susanowo in Japanese

Yesterday the Catalan government mounted some kind of co-branding (brand leeching, if you prefer) spectacle with the Japanese ambassador to Spain, which seems to have been designed to encourage the local public to contribute money to Japanese reconstruction and the Japanese to empathise with Catalan nationalist aspirations. Much was made of the virtues of industry…

Chinese overseas aid for Spain?

Victor Mallet has a good piece on Spain’s damagingly mistaken claim that Zapatero had successfully begged $9 billion from China. Chinese state media seems now to be hinting that, while some bucks may be on offer, Spain needs to present some bang asap – usufruct of the Balearics as latter-day Deshimas, proposes a mischievous voice.…

The end of boredom and the last adult

Capitalism gave people time to be bored and then net-borne infantilism came along and cured them. Lots of problems with that–ennui, the lack of a particular signifier doesn’t mean the signified didn’t exist, the decline starting before the web takes off, etc etc–but it’s a nice idea. Does anyone still go to bars because they…
Boredom against time, 1800 to 2008, <a href=on Google Ngram Viewer" title="Boredom against time, 1800 to 2008, on Google Ngram Viewer" />

Test version of Valencian sloth song

The text is blogged here. This uses the virtual organ I’ve rigged up and the procedure is still as here. I’ve got Audacity 1.3.1 now and tried out the ANWIDA Soft DX Reverb Light effect to try and disguise my 5€ Skype headphone mike. I’m still struggling with the fact that I can’t use all…