Filipinos vs filipinos

¿Cómo distinguir a los súbditos de Felipe II en general de los naturales de las islas? Quiero explicarle a alguien que saldrá hablando como un filipino de la primera categoría.

Lexical roots of the eurozone crisis

PIIGS > stable > stability pacts. (If voters consistently elect free-spending hucksters who promise they’ve found a cure for boom & bust etc etc, then isn’t moaning about a democratic deficit as the bailiffs move in ever so slightly pathetic? They had their democracy, but they traded it in for pizza and the X Factor.)

Vote for the Jerez pronoun party

I suppose that the use of “their” followed by “you” at the beginning of these parking fine instructions can be explained either as fucked translation or as an attempt to encourage a neighbourliness unusual in these parts, but I think the glorious use of “him” at word sixteen crowned by the subsequent “he/she” degenderisation clearly…

La Vanguardia: “How is the weather like?”

< Peter Harvey < John Stone. Scroll down here to understand a bit of where John and his English-Speaking Parents’ Association of Catalonia are coming from (sorry, Dryden). It’s difficult to imagine how the Catalan Education Act could be amended to enable Catalan-English programmes when one of its principal goals was to erect another obstacle…

Hot news

Although this fact may not have occurred to American journalists, living in monolingual paradise, it’s hard choosing names in a global market where everything means something bad to someone, somewhere.

Weird word-initial stress: ási

I’m well aware of the whole ansí, ansina, asina, assí, etc etc business that preceded the standard así in contemporary mainstream peninsular usage, but I’m struggling to get my head round this particular version of the adverb: 1 do los moros habitar en los pueblos conquistados, ási como estos lo havian permitido á los christianos;…