Gibraltarización / gibraltarisation

Lovely word, but does it serve to express other entrenched Iberian hatreds?

It doesn’t grace the corpses, but an early sighting from 1979 (“el Gobierno marroquí estudia como nuevo método de presión sobre España una progresiva gibraltarización de ambas plazas. Ello supondría la búsqueda por Rabat de un cerco político y económico (ya iniciado en el tema pesquero) de Ceuta y Melilla similar al que España mantiene con Gibraltar, que puede tener efectos importantes sobre la población española y marroquí que habita ambas plazas.”) and an earlier one still from 1972 suggest it has been round for quite a long time.

It strikes me that it should be encouraged at the expense of some synonyms: I think guerra de trincheras / trench warfare is borrowed from Flanders (or, in the minds of some sad nerds, from Gramsci, who also used it as a socio-political metaphor), and polarización / polarisation seems a bit silly in a country only a couple of thousand miles from the equator.

However, maybe there are better alternatives that I’ve forgotten, or perhaps you are feeling creative this lunchtime. For does gibraltarización really cover the smouldering conflict between Aragón and Cataluña re church property, or widespread bitterness at the discovery of the true implications of the regionalist-socialist slogan, Queremos más Europa / We want more Europe?

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