Vodka, connecting people

Assuming you weren’t born yesterday and you’re not exactly a teetotaller, do you regard with regret or gratitude the fact that cameras weren’t ubiquitous during your Å»oÅ‚Ä…dkowa years?

The medical condition which I most want to acquire, since surgery for the ear doesn’t seem to be forthcoming and a cure is unlikely:

Anosognosia is viewed as a deficit of self-awareness, a condition in which a person who suffers certain disability seems unaware of the existence of his or her disability.”

“Anosognosia results from physiological damage on brain structures, typically to the parietal lobe or a diffuse lesion on the frontal-temporal-parietal area in the right hemisphere.” This distinguishes the condition from denial, which is a psychological defense mechanism.

Alcohol apparently does the trick, but the photo is not a self-portrait.

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  1. I nearly got into a fight at Manchester Piccadilly station once, a long time ago when to our rural minds up here on the border with Westmorland, a camera on a mobile phone was still a bit newfangled. I had enjoyed a long day of culture and relaxation and was inflamed with outrage when someone took a photograph of me in the waiting room as I rested my eyes.

    Of course now I would gurn, do jazz hands, and swap Facebook addresses.

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