I obviously don’t know that much about you, but I can imagine someone saying this in all seriousness. OK, only 283 ghits, some attributable to Ms Scan, some to Ms Spelling (Labriego denuncia le quitan revólvel is butterfly-beautiful – see the body). But revólvel is feasible, although quite unlikely in Old Castile (?):
La siento en su silla a mi lado.
– ¿No te fuites a gualdal a mi pale Julián?
– ¿Y a dónde lo van a guardar?
– Pes en la iguesia, con la Vilgen. Malto y Tiodolete van a volvel di’aquí’un latico.
– ¿A cuál quiere más de los tres: a Marto, a Tiodorete o a mí?
– ¡A Malto y… a toos!
– Usté quiere más a Tom.
– Sí. Es necio como Tiodolete.
(Tomás Carrasquilla, Hace tiempos)
I think I’m allowed to say that if by some great misfortune a southern accumulator of public funds – say Ms Álvarez – had had a severe nervous crisis we would certainly somewhere have had to suffer a repugnant revólvel anthem. For no good reason Chuck Berry springs to mind:
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