The People’s Friend was called Stanli, not Estanli

Spain may be about to be saved by Pablo Iglesias, a dead syndicalist whose name has passed to the political toyboy of media tycoon Jaume Roures. But a small band has risen to defend to the death (of Twitter) traditional Spanish orthography against revolutionary revisionism: Camarada #Vox‏@Castiel_Stinson Por ulima vez, es Stanli, no Estanli, comunistas…

United Reform Church FC

There was a time for Diego but Alex doesn’t deserve quite as much. Maradona’s “auto”-bio is glorious stuff, and who cares if it’s true, but even the amanuensis must have struggled with Ferguson’s dreary monomania. My Autobiography is the one you definitely don’t want. Jimmy the Stretford Porter suffered great glooms in the early Ferguson…

St Boniface vs the Druids

Someone has sawn off one of the trunks of a dead pine tree, sacred alla tedesca to violent sects, which have also fetishised certain types of textile decoration and adornment, as well as certain hand salutes. I took this vandalism to be the work of Valencian reactionaries unwilling to be hoovered up into a Southern…
A gloomy Boniface (left) weighs up his options.


For anyone short of kindling. Corsican popular song, a Burgundy micropatois, hussar dressage training, lots of (mainly 19th century) colour plates.

All our disaster

A Perry polemic is always wonderful, but while it’s quite clear what he thinks Europe, Italy etc etc shouldn’t do, as usual I can’t work out what he thinks they should. (This still applies, but only peripherally here.)

El revólvel rutilizado apareció en el asiento trasero de su coche particular

I obviously don’t know that much about you, but I can imagine someone saying this in all seriousness. OK, only 283 ghits, some attributable to Ms Scan, some to Ms Spelling (Labriego denuncia le quitan revólvel is butterfly-beautiful – see the body). But revólvel is feasible, although quite unlikely in Old Castile (?): La siento…

Another maragato epic

From near Astorga, a curious place where a receptionist is a telecoms engineer, and where death is the simplest of cures for life, more deeds of the maragatos, about whom we don’t hear nearly enough (no more gatalans or cagots, thank you): Habrá de saber el señor letor, de cualquier estado que sea, que como…