More consonant-thicket dyslexia: Joan B. Culla and “Augsleich”

Sorry, transcription again, not translation. No idea how Joan Culla finds time between his telly and radio gigs to teach contemporary history at the UAB; perhaps “contemporary” doesn’t reference the C19th; and maybe Barcelona historians don’t need any German. But if Central European Ausgleich is your premise, then you should really be able to spell it, as well as having some notion of constitutional arrangements in Austro-Hungary – unlike Catalonia with respect to Spain, Hungary was never assimilated by the Austrian Empire. Here is your man:

mi impresión es que, desde los albores de 1800, la cultura política española sólo ha concebido los conflictos de poder a los que hubo de enfrentarse en términos de victoria o derrota. La transacción, el fifty-fifty, el compromiso —ese concepto que, en alemán (Augsleich), sostuvo la estabilidad de la Europa danubiana durante el medio siglo anterior a la Gran Guerra, por ejemplo— resultan extraños, y objeto de menosprecio, en el acervo político hispano.

If Augsburg is Augustus’ castle, then I guess Augsleich must be the emperor’s corpse, and Augsneuenkleider his new clothes.

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