Too many Spanish restaurants these days try to limit you to one glass of the grape with your fixed price menú del día, inside of plonking a bucket of some nature in front of you and refilling as often required. I fear that Capitán Garfío (has anyone been there?) in Prat de Llobregat will be…
It is of course consonant with the amiable relationship between non-Hitlerian Spanish fascism (leftist progressivists too, but perhaps less) and the ~1492 diaspora – see Primo de Rivera, Ernesto Giménez Caballero, and the dictatorial decree of December 20 1924 which enabled the heroic labours of Ángel Sanz Briz. But there’s an amusing hypothesis that it…
Says David Maeztu re the anti-Yankee, but far more widely applicable, IP reform. The desertion of public opinion by both PP and PSOE to collaborate with proportionately insignificant peripheral nationalisms at least makes political sense: the systematic electoral underweighting of small national parties means that you’re unlikely to be able to deal profitably with them…
Make lots of new ~euros in China and sell them under nominal price at gypsy markets. It will end in tears, but there’ll be some good stories. I too was a reluctant fan of Pedro Jota, and El Mundo is still the only MSM source to amuse me. El País is almost Calvinist-Methodist in its…
Over at Rob Lunn’s gaff. The RAE is currently preparing a major update of its entry to justify the imminent de-imputation on the grounds of incomprehension of the Infanta, whose university degrees might suggest she is actually in full command of her senses, thus helping us forget those babes and fools (oh so wise!) who…
Perhaps an early comment on what to newcomers may appear a genetic peculiarity of the Iberians, whereby fairness affects a far higher proportion of women than men.
Del Cancionero popular de Lafuente: Es amor una llama, Que no la entiendo, Pues sin salir el humo Se ve el incendio. Más. Mi amor se encuentra ahora en el jom peig en forma del mono del día.