Suffering in 7/8, thanks to the Growing Communities veg bag:
Jerusalem artichoke,
You’re no good for decent folk,
Like Jesus, that holy bloke,
My wind and metèr are broke,
Jerusalem artichoke.
I used to do Eleanor Rigby with a band in 7=3+2+2/8, and Peter Silk is now making free with her in a different way:
To The Tune of Eleanor Rigby:
Jam on a hamster
Lovingly wrapped in a parcel of pelican wings
Breakfast of kings— Peter Silk (@KestrelPi) February 3, 2016
To the tune of Eleanor Rigby:
Dog in a trenchcoat
Getting promoted at work but then sheds his disguise
Canine surprise— Peter Silk (@KestrelPi) October 27, 2016
Via him:
♫ Oh the grand old gloop of blop
♫ He hrooped 1000 glups
♫ He blupped them up to the blip of the blap
♫ And he glipped them blup blap bloop— Spooky Toad (@FrogCroakley) November 1, 2016
Which is roughly where I am this morning.
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