Tweets for June 2017

Organ-grinding in Hackney, London.


Bio: Kazoo Academy & Barrel Organ Disco/Yorkshire Almanac/translator Romance & Germanic languages & Russian/old-style jazz trombone & vocals/brass bands/allotmenteer

  • Thu Jun 01 08:07 The street organ received repairs & improvements, & Paul did a nice video of my Teddy Bears' Picnic, sans vocals obv
  • Thu Jun 01 16:11 "Lunch," English for "siesta"? OED: The sound made by the fall of a soft heavy body.
  • Thu Jun 01 16:24 Comment: 1871
  • Thu Jun 01 17:19 Just spoke to a craft plumber about putting in an artisanal well
  • Thu Jun 01 17:23 Comment:
  • Thu Jun 01 18:12 Comment: @DrBeachcombing
  • Thu Jun 01 21:10 Organ-grinder's ex-voto
  • Thu Jun 01 21:14 All that's missing is an appendix with recipes
  • Fri Jun 02 08:01 Dear Lord, do you appreciate the damage done to the documentation industry by your allowing Gideons to distribute the Bible for free?
  • Fri Jun 02 12:14 Excellent free (Dutch) score library (originals / arrangements), inc loads of studio stuff. Also mad user covers
  • Sat Jun 03 08:54 Is this the hipster election? HopsNotBeer vs BeerNotHops?
  • Sat Jun 03 11:38 Last of the Italian-British plaster statuette makers? C19th feuilletons unimaginable without them & organ grinders
  • Sat Jun 03 11:39 Comment:
  • Sat Jun 03 15:47 Arkansas castellers team
  • Mon Jun 05 14:43 Blog: New translation of Joan Maragall’s poem re the 1893 anarchist Barcelona Opera bomb + a limerick by the monkey
  • Mon Jun 05 21:24 Always knew in my heart flautists Homo sapiens: ‘Neanderthal bone flutes’ not ‘Neanderthal bone flutes’ after all
  • Tue Jun 06 16:46 RT @FraserNelson: Finally: Brexit explained.
  • Tue Jun 06 17:35 Bald bagpiper beats Baba Yaga
  • Tue Jun 06 18:05 Comment: This is not a party political lubok
  • Tue Jun 06 19:53 Delighted to find Pushkin poetry in Asturian, now trying to track down some sales figures
  • Tue Jun 06 20:43 vecinas gomaespuma: Python Yorkshiremen upside down
  • Wed Jun 07 06:19 Khashoggi anecdote, possibly true, + song by Toni Dalli pre the Marbella restaurant
  • Wed Jun 07 06:20 Comment:
  • Wed Jun 07 06:32 Topological, Underground-stylee map of Roman major roads
  • Wed Jun 07 09:43 Werden 16e eeuwse huizen wel afgebroken te Amsterdam id jaren 50? 1901 Woningwet gezeik, toch?
  • Wed Jun 07 12:16 Lazy Queen of Lombardy builds automaton hand 4 public functions, causes tram crash, murdered by Ministerial Council
  • Wed Jun 07 14:13 Watch out for the monkey dust, monkey tranquilizer, and funky monkey.
  • Thu Jun 08 08:56 "International business" promo #clockup
  • Thu Jun 08 08:58 None of the duck vs rabbit visual ambiguity about this one. It's a duck
  • Thu Jun 08 10:16 1855: "pop goes the weasel" said to come from "pop goes the weevil" - grain metaphor
  • Fri Jun 09 06:52 Not a beard so much as a beardophone (does it modify as well as amplify?) or howling fish.
  • Fri Jun 09 07:53 RT @FraserNelson: Well, at least Theresa May now has a better answer to this question/
  • Fri Jun 09 10:34 Made 3.3% during 18 month stay on Ladbrokes, now looking for less nerve-racking sources of income
  • Sat Jun 10 08:34 Blog: From Charles Trenet, two musical De Gaulle anecdotes
  • Sat Jun 10 09:50 Comment: @anne_goldgar Just don't look below the surface
  • Sat Jun 10 17:43 Comment: @Transblawg @anne_goldgar No MP3, didn't happen...
  • Sat Jun 10 17:45 Astounding pattern formed by fallen fried egg: serendropity
  • Sat Jun 10 23:00 Hey, doesn't mention port drinkers
  • Sun Jun 11 07:35 East End naive: no organ-grinders, but - modern perversion! - a gramophone man
  • Sun Jun 11 08:56 Lazy monkey trombonist on music box
  • Mon Jun 12 06:35 RT @StowDiary: New Post on #Walthamstow Diary - Carters Steam Fair comes to Walthamstow.
  • Mon Jun 12 13:43 Not even halfway into the month and already had to charge my Nokia 100. Busy times.
  • Mon Jun 12 15:32 200th birthday of Karl von Drais' proto-bicycle: 4 books to celebrate
  • Mon Jun 12 16:05 What kind of literary device is trepak/parket (i.e. parquet)? Someone says anagrammatic alliteration, but that it ain't.
  • Mon Jun 12 16:24 Comment:

  • Mon Jun 12 16:35 The Ballad of Paddy O'Toole
  • Mon Jun 12 16:50 Poem to satisfy both the Tories & the Corbynites
  • Tue Jun 13 06:15 Comment: @Transblawg Here's the tune I kind of half remember:
  • Tue Jun 13 06:50 Wanting to call a commoner organ man a burgher grinder, but makes me hungry
  • Tue Jun 13 08:00 @charlottelevene
  • Tue Jun 13 08:08 Folk etymology: "forebear" describes the culinary destiny of your ancestors
  • Tue Jun 13 12:33 Karachi florist
  • Tue Jun 13 16:52 Just realised that the instrument I was wondering about on L'âme des poétes ( ) is Jean-Jacques Perrey's Ondioline
  • Wed Jun 14 06:36 Smoke plume heading NW from Grenfell Tower, seen from Hackney
  • Wed Jun 14 09:27 #GrenfellTower #KCTMO hitting the champagne at Sunday Times Best Not-For-Profit Organisations to Work For 2017. Oh dear.
  • Wed Jun 14 10:29 #GrenfellTower #KCTMO Belly dancing clearly didn't fix procurement
  • Wed Jun 14 15:27 Which is not to say that I and the monkey are interchangeable.
  • Thu Jun 15 05:03 Comment: @oobr @jeremy_morley From Brabant, like Alexander Fleming
  • Thu Jun 15 07:20 Worst male fashion thread, from Spain's worst forum
  • Thu Jun 15 07:29 Second Hundred Years' War veteran with squirrel carillon (& magic lantern) at Hyde Park Corner. Presumably deaf as well as peg-legged.
  • Thu Jun 15 09:02 @DellCares Screws falling out of Sept 2016 Inspiron, 2 lost before noticed. Send me 2 new ones to screw in? Support doesn't enable reporting
  • Thu Jun 15 09:28 Comment: @estwebber So as a Pastafarian can I swear on Elizabeth David?
  • Thu Jun 15 10:37 Comment: @Transblawg Maybe it was a different tune - a bit tricky for kiddies
  • Thu Jun 15 10:44 Comment: @DellCares Done...
  • Thu Jun 15 11:00 V confusing: C19th Brit politico called William Ewart, nothing to do with Gladstone. Also many simply known as Willy.
  • Thu Jun 15 11:15 Comment: @Transblawg Isn't Butlin's now for middle-aged druggies?
  • Thu Jun 15 18:26 Sergei Parajanov, Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors: THE film for lovers of elephant horns and Jew's harp bands. Magic
  • Thu Jun 15 23:08 Until I infiltrate the Welsh Haredim or find a Yiddish teacher I'll have to make do with stuff like this
  • Fri Jun 16 07:55 Old Occitan at the British Library - enjoyable one for Catalan speakers
  • Fri Jun 16 10:23 Residents of nearby flats showing sudden deep interest in their cladding. -> Increase in building tech students generally?
  • Sat Jun 17 06:42 1/2 Three cheers for the fox that crosses the Thames at low tide at night to dine on the Isleworth Ait waterfowl
  • Sat Jun 17 06:42 2/2 And three tears for the parrot pining near the pirate barge
  • Sat Jun 17 09:47 Dickens on Scotland Yard: 1/2 When this territory was first accidentally discovered by a country gentleman who lost his way in the Strand
  • Sat Jun 17 09:48 Dickens on Scotland Yard: 2/2 the original settlers were found to be a tailor, a publican, two eating-house keepers, and a fruit-pie maker
  • Sat Jun 17 11:37 As good an explanation as any as to why one reads historical barrel organ lit. More barrel organ resources, tho: vod bods didn't write much
  • Sat Jun 17 23:23 Who guards the guardians: Faculty of Architecture at Delft University collapses after coffee machine fire in 2008
  • Sat Jun 17 23:46 Apparently I'm allowed to mention Hard Brexxxit
  • Sun Jun 18 07:14 Kingsley Amis on Woody Allen: first you feel awkward, then dislike & finally you end up hating the fact that you belong to the same species.
  • Sun Jun 18 08:26 Defamation at Trooping the Colour: "It's a bit sort of fairground. It sounds like a barrel organ." 10:00 @Transblawg
  • Sun Jun 18 08:27 Comment: Name that tune
  • Sun Jun 18 14:14 “The last organ-grinder” still a thriving trope, but when was the 1st last organ-grinder, and where? Olivia Manning, 1939ish, is a latecomer
  • Sun Jun 18 14:19 Comment: Later, after the Nazi occupation, she hears it again - same function as in Flaubert & Joyce
  • Sun Jun 18 14:43 What does the thermometer say? It says, Made in Venice. Ivor Cutler c/o John Peel, 1987.
  • Sun Jun 18 15:15 Konstantin Fedin sounds like a lovely bloke
  • Sun Jun 18 16:39 Almost as hot, but not quite as dangerous, as a Pakistani steel mill
  • Sun Jun 18 16:52 Comment: @Rootstockvin Was going to come along with the barrel organ & sing Appellation Controlée but it's too hot for the camel
  • Sun Jun 18 18:38 Any Greeks out there? I'd say this is a quite florid anti-feminist tract, but I know nothing
  • Mon Jun 19 06:53 RT @anu_akinola: This is how calmly I want to deal with any situation life has to throw at me this year
  • Mon Jun 19 20:26 Dear ignoramuses, ale and lager aren't beer: ale doesn't contain hops and a lager is where Germans imprison and torture Boy Scouts.
  • Mon Jun 19 21:41 Greek grinders talk of Ρεφάραμε, making good your losses: inferior to Jewish joke about making loss on every sale but luckily selling loads
  • Tue Jun 20 05:37 Still puzzled why Stamford Hill Haredi overspill ghetto is Canvey Island instead of holy city of , Somerset
  • Tue Jun 20 05:42 Race against time to finish the winter's marmalade to make pots available for 9 months of blackberry jam
  • Tue Jun 20 13:03 The Automatic Motorist (1911) | BFI National Archive
  • Tue Jun 20 13:36 Comment: @TomHRaines @GoodwinMJ @sllaudes Spanish regions are too busy hating one other to bother about hating anyone else?
  • Tue Jun 20 14:27 Mind your metathesis: German Kunst -> Yiddish kunts
  • Tue Jun 20 15:27 Isn't the whole point of chips to maximise the fat?
  • Wed Jun 21 08:00 I wanna be straight, I wanna be straight / I'm sick and tired of taking drugs and staying up late
  • Wed Jun 21 08:54 Off to look for an unshorn sheep #DayOfBeige
  • Wed Jun 21 09:34 Nantes tram drivers (m) not allowed to wear shorts, so wearing skirts like colleagues (f)
  • Wed Jun 21 09:52 Comment: But do Frenchmen look better in skirts than us?
  • Wed Jun 21 14:40 River Lea navigation north of the M25: more people in than out
  • Wed Jun 21 15:44 German Bohemian musical vocab: Lamentierholz: clarinet (whining wood) Lamentierkasten: barrel organ (moaning box)
  • Wed Jun 21 16:53 Remarkable memoir of Jews & Lithuanians in Russian imperial boondocks, 1903. Rural organ grinding clusters common
  • Wed Jun 21 17:06 Headline of the day, Dundee Evening Telegraph: "Ginger gardener suffers second-degree burns in 'quite nice' weather"
  • Thu Jun 22 07:59 Echo flutes: I keep expecting Mike Rutherford to come on stage with his mad guitar
  • Thu Jun 22 13:27 Anyone know what this is? Already went to trash, but still curious
  • Thu Jun 22 13:52 Comment: @tombcn Bad answer: hole for it to go through then resting place at the bottom. Pygmy pool cue stand?
  • Thu Jun 22 16:55 WTF: Egypt in Israel, C19 Ukraine/Poland: Yiddish mentions of "gypsies" - Hasidic clans working as beggars, oracles, organ grinders...
  • Thu Jun 22 20:23 Borodin s4 #2: can't beat Eduard Drolc & Co's quiet sincerity, & intonation even better than barrel organ :‑J
  • Thu Jun 22 20:38 The Space Lady woz here. A fan sez:
  • Fri Jun 23 05:57 Comment: @alunhewinson @tombcn I'm getting it: a multi-storey eggpark, with hens upstairs and geese down.
  • Fri Jun 23 06:15 I can has monkey liek dat? Seen & not heard
  • Fri Jun 23 06:31 Comment: @HughRBennett I wish they'd go back to the simple sincerity of le rouge et le noir
  • Fri Jun 23 09:02 Didn't think that Bulgarian bratya included female siblings, but love the caricatures.
  • Fri Jun 23 09:04 Comment:
  • Fri Jun 23 10:27 No 7 on Rol's Top 10 Innuendo Songs is The Who's Squeeze Box, or organetto, which is also a barrel organ, so all OK.
  • Fri Jun 23 14:40 I always look at the watermelon and tap my head, but apparently that's not how it works
  • Fri Jun 23 14:50 OECD: organ-grinders/clowns = high skill workers, astrologers/fortune tellers = low. Analysis: @ibexsalad
  • Sat Jun 24 09:35 Where would song-lovers have been without Mudcat?
  • Sun Jun 25 07:20 Marvellous primate plates in C19 zoologist Alfred Brehm's Thierleben / Animal life Vol 1. Namer of hussar monkey

  • Sun Jun 25 07:50 Life of a bell-tuner: It was cast at 43 hundredweight and finished at 37 cwt, after I tuned 6 cwt out of it
  • Sun Jun 25 08:16 I was recently unable to file road rage ABH cos 999 handler couldn't do English toponyms in standard dialect. WTF
  • Sun Jun 25 13:17 Comment: @john_overholt Has no-one else got "grocer's apisstrophe"?
  • Sun Jun 25 19:51 Comment: @geographyjim Explanation: Tokyo was destroyed by fire in 1945. The city first repopulated & then from the late 50s there was massive DIY rebuild
  • Mon Jun 26 07:03 Useful term: meta-ethnicity, via
  • Mon Jun 26 07:09 Humphries: I swallowed the last prawn, / I had a technicolor yawn and I chundered in the old Pacific Sea. Oz National Dic via Language Hat
  • Mon Jun 26 10:43 Nice Uber tax evasion story, involving disappearing Dutch taxi businesses: drivers & Uber make money, punter pays
  • Mon Jun 26 10:53 Shock! Book ads are boring!
  • Mon Jun 26 12:33 Ambient down to 21ºC: Incluso pasado San Juan, no te quites el gabán
  • Mon Jun 26 13:08 Whence the idea of "a proper job"? (Not to be confused with "a real Job".)
  • Mon Jun 26 16:17 Fine old set-do outside. No such thing as a dull Monday in Hackney.
  • Mon Jun 26 20:04 My list of magic money tree songs, dedicated to Teresa May
  • Wed Jun 28 07:41 Barrel organ: bellows & siphon device for displacing wine without moving the casks. Modern name? Description:
  • Wed Jun 28 07:42 Comment: Image found here, but no source given
  • Wed Jun 28 10:25 RT @quatremer: Rions un peu sur le dos de nos amis Anglais. 😂 (véracité non garantie)
  • Thu Jun 29 04:52 The Whirling Dervishes are now just a calcified tourist trap, but the British still have the living tradition of Gardeners Whirled
  • Thu Jun 29 04:55 Where we are
  • Thu Jun 29 05:07 Before 1066 etc: GA à Beckett Comic History of England (1848): "our country must have the constitution of a horse"
  • Thu Jun 29 05:52 It is untrue that the Staffordshire letting agency, Sherlock Homes, maintains high turnover via a bloodthirsty & diabolical hound
  • Thu Jun 29 05:55 Comment: Looking for the pie-making subsidiary
  • Thu Jun 29 06:00 Nominative determinism is in, but bound to be arguments about the last beauty in this parade
  • Thu Jun 29 06:14 Most original commedia dell'arte spelling: Brofferio's 1831 satirical Piedmontese "I Buratin" (all the world's a puppet booth): Porincinela
  • Thu Jun 29 06:17 Comment: pajasso / pajass is the one I was looking for -> paillasse / payaso / Bajazzel / паяц
  • Thu Jun 29 07:06 Strategic & isolated Yiddish borrowings from Latin: bentshen, chant (benediction); davenen, pray (divine); kinigl, rabbit (coney)
  • Thu Jun 29 07:08 Pajass/pajazz (N Italian dialect: clown) not etymon for the following: payess (Hasidic ear-locks), Pelléas (et Mélisande). Unclear: pie-arse
  • Thu Jun 29 10:30 Bajazzel: glittery Austrian rustic with straw sticking from his seams Vajazzle: glittery English rustic with straw sticking from her seams

  • Thu Jun 29 11:39 One reads "MIDI organ" where one wants to read "MIDI organ"
  • Thu Jun 29 21:19 Comment: @steve_guy @JonnElledge Just coz there is rabbit dont mean it a borough
  • Fri Jun 30 12:51 Perhaps I'm seeing my favourite kestrel less often on Walthamstow Marsh becos it's sitting on roof opposite looking over. Right out of mice

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