
Bio: Kazoo Academy & Barrel Organ Disco/Yorkshire Almanac/translator Romance & Germanic languages & Russian/old-style jazz trombone & vocals/brass bands/allotmenteer
- Sat Dec 01 00:54 Historia de Barcelona, 1/12: * 1347: Princeps namque (483+21) * 1833: Isabel II proclamada princesa de Asturias (7/i) * 1843: Isabel II proclamada reina de España (8/i) * 1848: Ventajas e inconvenientes del clima barcelonés, funerales otoñales, fiesta de…
- Sat Dec 01 09:11 So relieved the monkey didn't get to implement its blockchain barrel organ solution
- Sat Dec 01 12:16 BLOG: Organ-grindish twitterings for November: dominated by a sojourn in the Czech Republic
- Sat Dec 01 12:36 Death of cryptocurrency -> death of PirateBay? PB revenues disappear if no longer worthwhile uTorrent using your CPU to mine on behalf of BitTorrent
- Sun Dec 02 01:23 Historia de Barcelona, 2/12: * 1847: Primeros mosaicos de asfalto (33+334) * 1918: Pla: Dilluns * 1936: Thalheimer: Visita a una granja colectiva en Lérida, vuelta a París (583+8) * ☼ 07:57-17:23, 09:26 horas; ☾ luna menguante, iluminación 28,33%,…
- Sun Dec 02 12:53 Wyoming, Falete y el traductor de andaluz (y
- Mon Dec 03 01:49 Historia de Barcelona, 3/12: * 1601: Correr de toros (52+68) * 1842: Bombardeo de Barcelona y entrada Van Halen (107+111) * ☼ 07:58-17:23, 09:24 horas; ☾ luna menguante, iluminación 18,89%, antigüedad 25 días * ✞ Francisco Javier, Galgano * Tiempo:…
- Mon Dec 03 07:39 Candidate World Champion Upside-Down Beer Drinker. The actual Belly Slide World Champion used to be rather good at this.
- Mon Dec 03 07:44 The Mahabharata done in the style of 1950s-60s Biblical stories for children
- Mon Dec 03 09:22 Loved Carter Burwell/Tim Blake Nelson/Ballad of Buster Scruggs's reinterpretation of the traditional echoes in a minimalised Cool Water as canyon effects Still an organ-grinding favourite
- Mon Dec 03 23:10 Historia de Barcelona, 4/12: * 1447: Excomulgados, los dominicos paran de decir misa en la capilla de San Jorge (33+18) * 1827: Entra Fernando VII para suprimir a los Malcontents (26) * 1844: Gran nevada (14+37) * 1855: Terremoto (11) * ☼ 07:59-17:23,…
- Tue Dec 04 08:35 Yet another bludy Frida Kahlo Almost as boring as Banksy
- Tue Dec 04 08:38 Yup, Amazon's 5 yo promise of drone delivery in 5 years was an advertising gimmick Given a gun who would you nail first, a drone operator or a van driver?
- Tue Dec 04 08:44 Busking with amplification should be banned, and members of the public with speaker backpacks should be beheaded
- Tue Dec 04 09:06 Weyringergasse, Vienna says hi to Jehovah
- Tue Dec 04 09:16 Ye put yer right hand in, yer right hand out, In out, in out, shake it all about.
- Tue Dec 04 12:39 Ringo's out of a job
- Tue Dec 04 22:08 So, the good news about Welsh is that nouns don't inflect. The mixed news is that the guy I'm translating ab initio believes he is a bit player in a 19th century Bible.
- Tue Dec 04 23:35 Historia de Barcelona, 5/12: * 1082: Fallece Ramón Berenguer II, supuestamente asesinado por su gemelo (651) * 1629: Galeras españolas con ayuda de Santiago toman un navío otomano en una batalla nocturna (557) * 1705: El archiduque Carlos de Austria abre…
- Thu Dec 06 00:02 Historia de Barcelona, 6/12: * 1435: Terremoto (13) * 1465: Salen dos franciscanos para Santiago para librar Barcelona de la peste (44) * 1536: Llega Carlos I de las guerras italianas (21) * 1718: Juran los primeros regidores del ayuntamiento borbónico,…
- Thu Dec 06 08:41 I'm going to sort out your/you're after I've abolished the possessive apostrophe.
- Thu Dec 06 09:05 "My meetings with the Devil," Arnold-Jan Scheer's excellent doc about the origins of the Santa Claus/Black Pete feast, is available here:
- Thu Dec 06 09:08 Comment: An old photo of my whiteface act at a small gathering for emigrés. Someone somewhere has somewhat wilder blackface images from big events.
- Thu Dec 06 09:37 1954 Sinter Klaas bebop parody by Jan Elburg: Si, si. de mamma. de man. schrijdt door de boeman. mak. kersttak. ! UUUUUU !
- Thu Dec 06 09:37 Comment: Another: George Browne with Calypso Be
- Thu Dec 06 09:39 Comment: Lord Kitchener pronounces Gillespie "gay lesbi," perhaps without intent
- Thu Dec 06 09:54 A nasty little side-effect of Beijing brutalism: 1.4 billion new fans for Hundertwasser's charlatanry
- Thu Dec 06 10:06 Lord Executor, Seven Skeletons Found in the Yard ("All this happend at the Christmas time")
- Thu Dec 06 10:20 Comment: @VanessaHarbour First week at comprehensive: "Don't write stories, you're at big school now."
- Thu Dec 06 18:13 Is Sancho Panza the original caganer? Would suit the nationalist conspiracy theory that Cervantes was a Catalan called Sirvent, Columbus Colom, Jamie Oliver Jaume Olivé etc etc
- Thu Dec 06 18:57 Comment: @Oldfrankishphil Would amuse if the Picards borrowed that term (before dumping it in the Levant) because ~Dutch speakers tended to be east of them. Maybe the Dutch are simply good at things oriental: I like the suggestion that al yābān, Japan, < Dutch rather than Portuguese or via SE Asia
- Fri Dec 07 00:31 Historia de Barcelona, 7/12: * 1492: Isabel cuenta la herida que sufrió Fernando a manos del loco Joan de Canyamars al bajar las escaleras de la capilla de santa Águeda, y el amor popular por su rey (1284+83/i) * 1639: Sale para Salses el diputado…
- Fri Dec 07 09:16 Nice regular irregularity in the automated accordion clip at the beginning of the radio MP3 The video's an example of what happens when you write to MIDI but forget that you need to adjust for slow response time of stuff like the woodblock
- Fri Dec 07 09:18 Passers-by heard him/her panting "'Ush, 'ush."
- Fri Dec 07 10:02 If there is a specifically British view of life, it's probably comparable to today's weather: apparently interminable rain surprised by darkness.
- Fri Dec 07 10:36 Tijuana traffic-light tumblers
- Fri Dec 07 17:47 Nash walk: The Mall -> Regent's Park
- Fri Dec 07 19:02 Translation joke: Jose has robbed a bank in Texas and fled south across the Rio Grande with the Texas Rangers in hot pursuit...
- Sat Dec 08 00:53 Historia de Barcelona, 8/12: * 1536: Carlos I sale para Castilla (16) * 1640: Un rediseño de bandera, supuestamente motivado por los ultrajes anticlericales cometidos por los tercios castellanos (368) * 1842: Fiestas de la Concepción y Santa Lucia, feria…
- Sat Dec 08 09:30 Merkel's shitstorm
- Sat Dec 08 15:14 A bar is somewhere with an identity and a pub is a catch-all, possibly including several bars. A Methodist chapel is a bar, and a proper Catholic church (with secondary altars down the aisles) is a pub.
- Sat Dec 08 17:23 Comment: @Pani_Bufetowa & there was me thinking that Tyskie was only drunk on the English east coast
- Sun Dec 09 01:21 Historia de Barcelona, 9/12: * 1301: Prohibidas las relaciones comerciales con esclavos (60+57) * 1396: Martín I se retira a Perpiñán para escapar de la peste (27) * 1598: Barcelona pide cuatro columnas del foro provincial romano de Tarragona para el…
- Sun Dec 09 08:13 Feminism vs transexuality: "we can't say that femininity is a social construction at the same time as saying that we are born with an innate femininity that expresses itself in behaviour"
- Sun Dec 09 08:40 David Loxton's 1980 version of Ursula Le Guin's Lathe of Heaven is a compendium of 70s film workshop poetry
- Sun Dec 09 08:41 Comment:
- Sun Dec 09 08:54 Comment: Everyone secretly likes the bit where he dreams away 6 billion people.
- Sun Dec 09 08:59 Kalashnikov has built a wall Some people never get over Transformers. Probably wouldn't even work on Haussmann's boulevards.
- Sun Dec 09 09:15 "Great Mistakes at Lincoln Cathedral" from Stained Glass Attitudes
- Sun Dec 09 09:20 Didn't read Saville's Lone Pine, but agree that children's books should have maps tho inside-cover marbling is pretty good
- Sun Dec 09 09:24 Comment: "German late Gothic is all our fault" in the song.
- Sun Dec 09 13:33 Historia de Barcelona, 9/12: * 1301: Prohibidas para cristianos, judíos y perros las relaciones comerciales con esclavos (60+57) * 1396: Martín I se retira a Perpiñán para escapar de la peste (27) * 1598: Barcelona pide cuatro columnas del foro…
- Mon Dec 10 01:49 Historia de Barcelona, 10/12: * 1617: Remisión papal de los pecados de Cataluña relacionados al bandolerismo (91+348/i) * 1942: Las piernacas de las chicas que van en bici (377+32) * 1946: "El pueblo en masa recorr[e] las calles de la ciudad expresando…
- Mon Dec 10 12:06 The Brexit vote is merely being rescheduled to coincide with World Monkey Day on Friday
- Mon Dec 10 18:09 I came second
- Mon Dec 10 20:15 Serious Hackney people buy their Christmas tree over the Lea at B&Q at Leyton Mills in the (ex-)Essex countryside and then stagger back into London with it over their shoulder because the nana bus discriminates against pagans
- Mon Dec 10 20:17 Comment: Half the price of Lauriston Road, ffs
- Mon Dec 10 23:13 Historia de Barcelona, 11/12: * 1524: Anuncio de una cátedra de política (23+7) * 1918: Pla: En llevar-me veig que sobre el món davalla la llum d’un sol de color de palla esgrogueïda –vagament rogenca * 1986: Un coche bomba de ETA destroza un…
- Tue Dec 11 09:22 Mad names Asexual is currently fashionable but I still have no takers for Granite
- Tue Dec 11 09:25 And car noise & size often a reflection of frustration at, & compensation for, living in a tiny flat. And for the (Hackney) narcos, cars are a great (tho dead-end) way to launder cash
- Tue Dec 11 09:29 Great harmes have growne, & maladies exceeding, By keeping in a little blast of wind: So Cramps & Dropsies, Collickes have their breeding, And Mazed Braines for want of vent behind:
- Tue Dec 11 09:30 Spanish take on the sound of the wind on Mars
- Tue Dec 11 09:35 Josep Tarradellas, first & last honest president of the Generality of Catalonia: You can do anything in politics except be ridiculous. #YuleMakersNotYuleTakers
- Tue Dec 11 18:59 It's time to change the name of the northernmost neighbourhood on Manhattan from Inwood back to Tubby Hook, so that we may once more demonymise the inhabitants as Tubby Hookers
- Tue Dec 11 19:00 On Hatton Garden they hope that goldcrests & goldfinches are oresome
- Tue Dec 11 19:15 Free Spanish lesson for Dutch-speakers: Hoe maak ik me verstaanbaar in Spanje
- Wed Dec 12 00:13 Historia de Barcelona, 12/12: * 1728: Empieza construcción del nuevo convento de San Agustín (23) * ☼ 08:06-17:23, 09:16 horas; ☾ luna menguante, iluminación 19,20%, antigüedad 4 días * ✞ Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe, Amonaria, Corentino, Espiridón,…
- Wed Dec 12 08:36 Betting today on black door to black knight (tis but a scratch)
- Wed Dec 12 08:57 Comment: So exciting. The first I knew of Thatcher's pre-internet hara-kiri was a billboard outside a newsagent as I cycled through a small Dutch town. Fell off me bike in surprise.
- Wed Dec 12 10:33 "Addage" is the preferred spelling in Guardian comments - not a misspelling, but a pun - a progressive proverb.
- Thu Dec 13 00:35 Historia de Barcelona, 13/12: * 1639: Llegan desertores franceses de Rosellón (136) * 1848: Fiesta de Santa Lucía (206) * 1918: Pla: Santa Llúcia * 1933: Fuga masiva del Modelo via la cloaca (551+903) * 2009: Inauguración de la línea 9 del metro, la…
- Thu Dec 13 07:58 In praise of (the study of) insects
- Thu Dec 13 09:21 Bamboo puppet fighting game / stick fall ninja / etc
- Thu Dec 13 09:22 Comment: See also Rock 'Em Sock 'Em Robots
- Thu Dec 13 09:23 Comment: As well as Kung Lao (Mortal Kombat)
- Thu Dec 13 10:32 Wonderful saturation/rig diving film by Claudia Cipriani, L’ora d’acqua , yesterday at Italia Doc at UCL
- Thu Dec 13 12:47 So how much did the Bush family have to pony up for The Times to write about George H.W.? Obviously they don't charge to write about living people.
- Fri Dec 14 00:55 Historia de Barcelona, 14/12: * 1567: Una procesión pide ayuda divina para derrotar a los turcos (29) * 1927: Primer vuelo comercial de Iberia, parte de la lucha entre Lufthansa y Junker (305) * 1999: Miles de bragas devueltas tras sabotaje obrero con…
- Fri Dec 14 11:48 Wordpress 5 + Gutenberg editor: what a complete disaster
- Fri Dec 14 18:02 Off to check out Little Storm's latest jewellery tomorrow at the @craftyfoxmarket market in Brixton
- Fri Dec 14 21:13 "The majority of hate issues on social networks would be solved if the competent authorities were to finance hair implants in Turkey. #NotMyFaultYouAreBald "
- Sat Dec 15 01:20 Historia de Barcelona, 15/12: * 1847: Acabada la reforma del teatro de Santa Cruz, ahora el Principal (16+26) * 1897: Abre el cine Lumière en el Paralelo (60) * 1959: Inauguración del Talgo entre Madrid y Barcelona (9h) (64+77/i) * 1986: Bombas de ETA en…
- Sat Dec 15 09:04 In mitigation, I'd suggest that unless toast is at least slightly burnt the expression "you're toast" is meaningless.
- Sat Dec 15 09:09 Euston, terminus interruptus
- Sat Dec 15 09:28 Danson House (Bexleyheath) post with photo of the organ It works - the front flaps swing out - but the books are IKEA stylee
- Sat Dec 15 09:31 Comment: Stolen
- Sat Dec 15 09:41 99% believe this myth, invented by contemporary ciceroni to please the tourists. Almost as pleasing as the "medieval" mezuzah slots in Girona, clearly the work of Messrs Black & Decker
- Sat Dec 15 09:46 Climate emergency in Frome! Article unaccountably omits the surprise Foo Fighters concert a couple of years ago
- Sat Dec 15 10:06 Re the reaction to the Alisson save in a Napoli fans' promo video, I still think that at 8:20 Blackbeard says "Video di Troia", Trojan video, which I can't quite comprehend
- Sat Dec 15 10:08 Comment: More video of Troia in Puglia
- Sat Dec 15 17:56 Consumer choice on Bala High Street in 1847. Taken from a list of shareholders of the National Provincial Bank of England, the pioneering joint-stock bank.
- Sat Dec 15 17:58 Comment: (I don't want to imply that Margaret Jones was engaged in anything dishonourable or illegal)
- Sun Dec 16 01:49 Historia de Barcelona, 16/12: * 1470: Muere Juan II de Lorena, pretendiente a la Corona de Aragón (27) * 1795: El médico, físico y globista Francisco Salvá y Campillo lee en la Real Academia de Medicina de Barcelona su memoria titulada "La electricidad…
- Sun Dec 16 09:22 Invoices all paid, but turn me off every month.
- Sun Dec 16 10:29 Startling how much better the National Library of Scotland is than the National Library of Wales at presenting (Welsh-language) materials. Enjoying Owen Edwards' Clych Adgof
- Sun Dec 16 10:42 Comment: Ain't that a purty swallow
- Sun Dec 16 18:14 Great-great-granddad looks quite mad until you see his mates
- Sun Dec 16 18:27 Singing the hokey cokey (Hoc est corpus meum) may be an anti-Catholic hate crime
- Sun Dec 16 19:10 Great news from the Guardian: Nottingham Trent University and the School of Artisan Food in nearby Welbeck have joined forces to offer Britain’s first degree in artisan food production.
- Sun Dec 16 19:10 Comment: Falmouth to offer a degree in naive painting
- Sun Dec 16 21:54 Comment: And then there's Ap Vychan.
- Sun Dec 16 23:10 Historia de Barcelona, 17/12: * 1525: Sale para Francia la hermana del sequestrado Francisco I (28) * 1901: Muere el emprendedor religioso Josep Manyanet i Vives, fundador de los Hijos de la Sagrada Familia y promotor del templo de Gaudí (0+178) * ☼…
- Mon Dec 17 08:48 Maps being phased out on Underground platforms? My sense is that street signs are also slowly disappearing (by accident, not policy), posing an interesting challenge to those of us who don't shamble around with a surveillance capitalism tag aka smartphone
- Mon Dec 17 14:56 Since I am reliably informed that books will go onto the Brexit bonfire, I am following the example of Dafydd Cadwaladyr, father of Crimean nurse Betsi
- Mon Dec 17 23:32 Historia de Barcelona, 18/12: * 1427: Jaume Rigolf puede administrar la Casa de Infants Orfes a pesar de ser casado (127) * 1471: Terremoto al amanecer (0) * 1848: Fiesta de Ntra Sra de la Esperanza, patrona de los corredores de comercio (47) * 1913:…
- Tue Dec 18 09:44 Apparently the main challenge to President Putain comes from Russian rap. I hope to finish my roundup of the genre soon - 4 to go:
- Tue Dec 18 09:46 Proof that water hates oxbows.
- Tue Dec 18 09:48 RT @HorribleSanity: I actually think the world would be a better place if we dropped all the issues that divide us and just come together t…
- Tue Dec 18 10:47 Smart OCR of a Christmas tale converts Mary into Marv, and why not
- Tue Dec 18 10:54 Comment: It's the printer's fault - dodgy Ys. But sympathy is required in the context of a language which can't decide whether Methodist begins with M or F.
- Tue Dec 18 23:51 Historia de Barcelona, 19/12: * 1827: Iluminación por gas en la Llotja (44) * 1840: Un artista romántico inglés, la puerta de la Paz (162) * ☼ 08:11-17:25, 09:14 horas; ☾ luna menguante, iluminación 89,92%, antigüedad 12 días * ✞ Eva, Urbano V papa,…
- Wed Dec 19 08:42 Hot pleasure
- Thu Dec 20 00:20 Historia de Barcelona, 20/12: * Para brindarte una mejor seguridad, el feed RSS se ha actualizado para usar HTTPS. Por favor, suscríbete aquí: * 1782: La Santa Inquisición prohibe La Armonía del Parnás del Rector de Vallfogona…
- Fri Dec 21 09:21 Time to mount a class action against the deranged Sally Davies before she becomes the death of us all: low salt & sugar in processed foods means we have to put on far more than has been removed in order to achieve basic edibility
- Fri Dec 21 10:44 Bruegel's monkeys & since this is Twitter Teniers' monkeys arresting a cat
- Fri Dec 21 10:57 Trump, Farage & Merkel at the excellent Novelty Automation place on Princeton St
- Fri Dec 21 11:21 Welsh word of the day: euod, worms in sheeps' livers
- Fri Dec 21 15:30 For drone-hunters, a walk westward from Gatwick airport to Ockley station, featuring two good drinking establishments and the villages of Charlwood and Capel #gatwickchaos
- Fri Dec 21 23:37 Historia de Barcelona, 22/12: * Para brindarte una mejor seguridad, el feed RSS se ha actualizado para usar HTTPS. Por favor, suscríbete aquí: * 1472: Juan II de Aragón jura los fueros después de tomar Barcelona (424) * 1673: José…
- Sat Dec 22 09:23 World's worst shoplifter (pathetic street drunk (white 40s ♀)) tries to escape thru entrance, arse over tit, head trapped in door. 3 police cars to detain her & halt civil war between staff re whether shoplifters should be stopped. Black ♀ shouting "Racism!" Happy Xmas Hackney
- Sat Dec 22 10:17 Hoping against hope that this is interregnum in the sense of bacchanalian anarchy
- Sat Dec 22 10:21 Terminator Judgment Day. You've been warned.
- Sun Dec 23 00:39 Historia de Barcelona, 23/12: * Para brindarte una mejor seguridad, el feed RSS se ha actualizado para usar HTTPS. Por favor, suscríbete aquí: * 1511: Terremoto (21+15) * 1836: Instálase la sociedad de Fomento de la Ilustración…
- Sun Dec 23 05:39 RT @miquelroig: “Sé que estoy en Barcelona. Lo sé seguramente desde antes que usted y desde antes que usted estoy trabajando por esta ciuda…
- Sun Dec 23 05:50 Happy Xmas from the Walthamstow Workhouse: THIS HOUSE ERECTED An Dom MDCCXXX if any would not work neither Should he eat
- Sun Dec 23 07:49 Benjamin Franklin to Thomas Jefferson on the cons (or are they pros? of amateur copy editors
- Mon Dec 24 00:13 Historia de Barcelona, 24/12: * Para brindarte una mejor seguridad, el feed RSS se ha actualizado para usar HTTPS. Por favor, suscríbete aquí: * 1639: Salen más soldados para Salses en Rosellón; galanterías entre sitiadores y…
- Mon Dec 24 10:03 Nice road surface stratification on Coppermill Lane, Walthamstow
- Tue Dec 25 00:35 Historia de Barcelona, 25/12: * Para brindarte una mejor seguridad, el feed RSS se ha actualizado para usar HTTPS. Por favor, suscríbete aquí: * 0393: Es ordenado a fuerzas San Paulino de Nola, sin que lo sepa su mujer, a cuyos…
- Tue Dec 25 11:54 Bewtiful sighte
- Tue Dec 25 12:50 BLOG: Epitaph of Bernard Fry, surgeon, in St. Mary’s graveyard, Stafford:
resurrectional doggerel for these dark days
- Wed Dec 26 01:04 Historia de Barcelona, 26/12: * 1379: Un incendio destroza Santa María del Mar (17) * 1452: Menú para la fiesta de San Esteban al monasterio de Santa Ana (34+38) * 1710: Luis XV de Francia y los franceses están en Cataluña (78) * 1848: Restos de pavo y…
- Wed Dec 26 10:23 Talking is pretty hard
- Wed Dec 26 10:45 I've seen him worse.
- Wed Dec 26 19:20 Linkfest from Scott
- Wed Dec 26 20:38 Is the increasingly desiccated nature of pork pies part of Public Health England's war on human happiness?
- Wed Dec 26 20:40 Another brilliant afternoon at @GeorgesGnosall, best pub I've been to in England
- Thu Dec 27 01:34 Historia de Barcelona, 27/12: * 1848: Vispera de Inocentes (47) * 1918: Pla: Acompanyo Roldós a Palamós * 1920: Suspensión de pagos del Banco de Barcelona (378+75) * 1923: Muere Doménech y Montaner (50) * 1951: La Vanguardia pide la libertad de crítica…
- Thu Dec 27 08:59 Inevitably the top family history query is for Grace Jones
- Thu Dec 27 10:22 Comment: @oldmudgie It's all splendidly hypocritical - Tesco's absorb them as a business cost - they're lying there, freely available, and the occasional weirdo makes a contribution
- Thu Dec 27 10:23 I find Welsh considerably more gnomic than Russian. God knows what this really means: "Yr un aeliau, â'r un olwg, A'r un drem, â'r gwr drwg"
- Thu Dec 27 23:14 Historia de Barcelona, 28/12: * 1848: Día de Inocentes (661+643) * 1897: Exhibición de una "tribu de Aschantis" en el día de Inocentes (92) * ☼ 08:15-17:30, 09:15 horas; ☾ luna menguante, iluminación 54,97%, antigüedad 22 días * ✞ Santos Inocentes,…
- Fri Dec 28 07:13 Barcelona neighbours
- Fri Dec 28 07:44 Confirmation of Stadsfries/Town Friesian as provincial Nederduits/Low German rather than Dutch/Friesian pidgin (rather as "Low Saxon" often turns out to be retarded Low German). Not that this will convince the boozers
- Fri Dec 28 10:04 W Indian and Nigerian churches forgiven all their noise crimes for the sight & sound this morning of Uncle's New Orleans-style funeral departing Berger Rd, Hackney, limos preceded by brass band playing all my old favourites - Closer Walk to You etc
- Sat Dec 29 00:59 Historia de Barcelona, 29/12: * 1410: Blanca I de Navarra y la sucesión a la Corona de Aragón (41+9) * 1918: Pla: El «Glosari» d’avui, sobre Gluck, bé, com gairebé tots els «glosaris» de «La Vall de Josafat» * 1936: La Generalidad y la supuesta…
- Sat Dec 29 08:25 In honour of my glorious Merioneth heritage I do the phonetic transcription: My hen laid a haddock on top of a tree / Glad farts and centurions throw dogs in the sea.
- Sun Dec 30 01:34 Historia de Barcelona, 30/12: * 1568: Torneo en el Born para festejar a los Medinaceli (17) * 1710: La defensa de Barcelona (63) * 1848: Los verdaderos inocentes (31+1) * 1859: Inauguración de un faro en el nuevo muelle del puerto (162) * 1870: Muere…
- Sun Dec 30 23:05 Historia de Barcelona, 31/12: * 1537: Entra Carlos I en posta (16/i) * 1822: Tropas francesas en la frontera "por fiebre amarilla en Barcelona" (46/i) * 1848: Fin de año (283) * 1918: Pla: Pluja i humitat * 1932: Carta de amor (con canción) de un…
- Mon Dec 31 08:56 Sociopathic media at Xmas: woman posting tirelessly on Facebook of her devotion to dead & absent relatives but too lazy & squeamish to help those alive & present.
- Mon Dec 31 23:50 Historia de Barcelona, 1/1: * ~0370: Nuestro santo obispo Paciano vs el dios cornudo de la fiestas del año nuevo (152+842/i) * 1366: Empiezan a llegar los franceses para ayudar a Pedro del Punyalet (47+9) * 1833: Predicción de la Primera Guerra Carlista…
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