
Bio: Kazoo Academy & Barrel Organ Disco/Yorkshire Almanac/translator Romance & Germanic languages & Russian/old-style jazz trombone & vocals/brass bands/allotmenteer
- Mon Apr 01 07:22 Comment: @tombcn Quite possible. I don't even know when Brexit is, or whether this is pro, parody or contra:
- Mon Apr 01 12:06 BLOG: Peter the Great’s April Fool’s jokes: of dwarves, arson, stammerers, and binge drinking.
- Mon Apr 01 12:32 If you want to nick books from the BL reading rooms, wait till the doorman is facing the wrong way for dhuhr
- Mon Apr 01 14:18 Short-lived Welsh tipster blog Reads exactly like the bit in whichever Flann O'Brien novel
- Mon Apr 01 16:06 Thread: the Archipelago of Brexit, including Kate Hoey and a cat but not the Civil War option
- Mon Apr 01 16:08 A mill-style horse-driven iron horse patented in 1825. Were mills ever driven by sheep, or aren't they powerful enough?
- Mon Apr 01 18:49 1877 gear for a couple of days cycling in Surrey, Sussex and Kent: brandy, a sandwich and a bugle. Lycra was invented in 1958.
- Mon Apr 01 21:25 What happened to the plan to relocate MPs to Stromboli during repairs?
- Mon Apr 01 22:43 Historia de Barcelona, 2/4: * 1448: Alfonso V entrega los Usatjes de Marquilles al Consejo de Ciento (17+22) * 1847: Una llegada en barco (191/i) * 1848: El ayuntamiento asiste a la fiesta de San Francisco de Paula (52) * 1918: Pla: Com que sempre he…
- Tue Apr 02 07:32 Someone tell Verhofstadt about the old pun on Abyssinia: I'll be seeing you.
- Tue Apr 02 07:33 Comment: And Milton recited by TTA: Into this wild abyss the wary fiend / Stood on the brink of Hell and looked a while, / Pondering his voyage
- Tue Apr 02 07:34 Comment: But Red Riding Hood: k Ben niet bang voor de wilde dieren / k Ben niet bang, k ben niet bang
- Tue Apr 02 16:09 Finally, subtitling that explains what Macron's on about
- Tue Apr 02 18:44 Gammon? Moi? I have certainly been very fond of G Ammons for as long as I can remember
- Tue Apr 02 18:46 Comment: Every ten years all us ruddy-faced white men will make a pilgrimage to Chicago
- Tue Apr 02 19:37 Francis Grose: what a good person
- Tue Apr 02 20:58 Comment: @the1Stefania It's way past time for "La forza dei nani", set in a Spanish travelling circus.
- Tue Apr 02 22:48 Historia de Barcelona, 3/4: * ~0801: Los francos toman Barcelona (1165+98) * ~1493: Entra Cristobal Colón de vuelta de su primer viaje con sus marineros, que introducen la sífilis en Barcelona, desde donde se propaga por toda Europa (682+175) * 1495: Las…
- Wed Apr 03 22:58 Historia de Barcelona, 4/4: * 1152: Nace Alfonso, después II de Aragón (38) * 1847: Misa en la catedral, Domingo de Resurrección. Una cabalgata a Gracia y Montjuic. La "Compañia Anglo-Americana" en la plaza de toros. Apertura del gran teatro del Liceo de…
- Thu Apr 04 23:02 Historia de Barcelona, 5/4: * 1628: Terremoto (12) * 1688: Nace el jurista José Finestres (6) * 1709: Los ingleses dejan de ayudar a los austriacistas para perseguir a los piratas berberiscos (109) * 1846: Comienza a construirse el nuevo frontis del…
- Fri Apr 05 22:20 Comment: @ibexsalad Can't he be the UK's leader in exile?
- Fri Apr 05 22:25 You'll need a government licence to view this kind of stuff in a couple of weeks #PornLaws
- Fri Apr 05 23:10 Historia de Barcelona, 6/4: * 1530: Llega Andrea Doria para buscar a Carlos I (13+16) * 1918: Pla: Si algun dia decideixo escriure uns retrats familiars, potser es podran aprofitar els detalls següents * 1919: Pla: Diumenge * ☼ 06:24-19:23, 12:58 horas;…
- Sat Apr 06 07:23 Comma coma
- Sat Apr 06 09:17 Apparently gays are being stoned to death at the Dorchester, so cocktails presumably also démodé
- Sat Apr 06 10:28 Expansion of Nothingness proposed to accommodate increasing popularity of nihilism
- Sat Apr 06 14:36 Why do AirBnB places always have terrible pictures of bathrooms but good ones of the taps? Is there some kind of dark web tap fetish community?
- Sat Apr 06 23:17 Historia de Barcelona, 7/4: * 1249: Principio del sistema de gobierno municipal (55) * 1573: Entran las cabezas de 23 bandoleros (34/i) * 1847: Una salida en barco para Valencia (681) * 1919: Pla: La Societat Sportiva Pompeia * ☼ 06:22-19:24, 13:01…
- Sun Apr 07 05:24 So who handles 5 am residential raves if @MPSHackney say it's @hackneycouncil 's problem and the council's guy goes to bed at 5?
- Sun Apr 07 11:13 Vultures & international frontiers. I remember when a bunch of my local Pyrenean vultures turned up in Holland as a result of the mad cow restrictions on carcass disposal. Did the ravens go to the Tower originally to feast off ex-prisoners?
- Sun Apr 07 20:56 Managed to resist the linguistic temptation of the "Persian dinging experience" on Kensington High St
- Sun Apr 07 23:23 Historia de Barcelona, 8/4: * 1569: Entra el archiduque Carlos de Habsburgo (5+20) * 1573: Exhibición de cabezas de bandoleros (27/i) * 1702: Felipe V embarca hacia Nápoles (54) * 1919: Pla: Passo una gran part de la nit en una saleta de l’Ateneu amb…
- Mon Apr 08 09:52 Nailed an African stranger by accent as Zimbabwean from Bulawayo last week, today misidentified an upper-class Han as Japanese. Win some, lose quite a lot.
- Mon Apr 08 15:00 Earliest conversing automaton thread
- Mon Apr 08 15:38 Pigeon adds missing accent to theatre sign in Córdoba to correct the ignorant peasants in charge and conform with the national language academy's guidelines. Made my day.
- Tue Apr 09 00:38 Historia de Barcelona, 9/4: * 1626: Felipe IV celebra su 21º cumpleaños lavando y besando los pies de 13 pobres (641) * 1631: Llevan a San Severo al convento de Santa Clara para pedir lluvia y así poder comer (146) * 1637: Llevan a San Severo de nuevo a…
- Tue Apr 09 13:58 Perfidious Albion on speed
- Tue Apr 09 14:03 Comment: @TitaniaMcGrath Hitler was a veggie
- Tue Apr 09 14:30 Population Malta: 400,000. Crowdfund a tenner each to pressure their politicos to veto an extension and we could be out of this phase of misery in three days.
- Tue Apr 09 18:01 Why do women worry about drinking during pregnancy when everything gives you cancer anyway? We can't all eat armadillos.
- Wed Apr 10 00:42 Historia de Barcelona, 10/4: * 1452: Menú al monasterio de santa Ana el lunes de Pascua (38) * 1624: Gran alboroto contra los genoveses; ahorcan a dos de los responsables; los conflictos políticos (531) * 1919: Pla: El meu pare –fresc, roig, resistint…
- Wed Apr 10 07:28 Jimmy Brennan out gold-panning in the Sperrins in 1983 Legendary figure from my childhood
- Wed Apr 10 07:38 And there was me thinking that the Whitehall farces were an obscure branch of Restoration comedy
- Wed Apr 10 08:01 Comment: And look, there's Annie Slane
- Wed Apr 10 11:53 Librarian songs Favourite is Dutch, De Bende van Baflo Bill's Debiliothecaris - describes pre-IT profession
- Wed Apr 10 21:01 Ngram dirty Irish vs dirty English. I'm afraid I am haunted by The Poor Mouth
- Thu Apr 11 00:48 Historia de Barcelona, 11/4: * 1278: Privilegio por Pedro el Grande a la ciudad de Barcelona sobre el puente-peaje del Llobregat; construcción en madera a partir de 1301; significado para Barcelona y viajeros (0+398) * 1562: Santa Madrona vs la sequia…
- Thu Apr 11 05:41 Yet another outstanding contribution by @ofo_bicycleUK to fossil-fuel-free local deliveries in East London
- Thu Apr 11 05:42 Monkey dreams of unhappy end for organ-grinder
- Thu Apr 11 06:14 Pull out the tubes. Are all modern human movements death cults?
- Fri Apr 12 00:56 Historia de Barcelona, 12/4: * 1402: La universidad de Lérida se muda a Barcelona (17+6) * 1904: Atentado del anarquista Joaquín Miguel Artal contra Antonio Maura, presidente del Consejo de Ministros (0+93) * 1918: Pla: El meu pare, que em veu donar…
- Fri Apr 12 07:20 Brexit Party PR looks so ... French, so UPM
- Fri Apr 12 11:30 Hofmannsthal stereotypes Austrians vs Prussians. Works in other places too.
- Fri Apr 12 11:46 Sistinism: Hackney's Veysel Baba can compete with Vlu's garage pub
- Fri Apr 12 16:05 Turkic rock. Are the cowbells Turkmen or did they have to be imported?
- Fri Apr 12 22:00 Historia de Barcelona, 13/4: * 1716: Son quemados por el verdugo los privilegios de la ciudad (25) * 1848: Fiesta de la conversión de María Magdalena (56) * 1919: Pla: Diumenge de Rams * ☼ 06:12-19:30, 13:17 horas; ☾ luna menguante, iluminación 63,50%,…
- Sat Apr 13 11:57 Comment: @ibexsalad Time is Remainer, Sun pretends to be Brexiter.
- Sat Apr 13 12:02 Every ward should have a repentant Dickensian villain crying "Lord help me!" and a bearded Hardyan good 'un longing silently for his sweet cyder. I know the childhood dream of the guy who wants to inspect my bus ticket.
- Sat Apr 13 22:08 Historia de Barcelona, 14/4: * Domingo de Ramos es el 14 de abril este año; en 1848 fue el 16 de abril * ... y en 1939 fue el 3 de abril * 1481: En Calatayud Fernando II designa a Isabel de Castilla como corregente, gobernadora y administradora en los…
- Sun Apr 14 06:23 Ruby is obviously an admirable name for a modern baby, who may identify as mineral rather than animal, so why not Granite, which severs all ties with the despicable human institution of marriage? Parsnip is another favourite.
- Sun Apr 14 08:32 Comment: @Transblawg Hahaha, isn't that a worm wedding?
- Sun Apr 14 16:56 This is what caving should be like
- Sun Apr 14 17:40 Belshazzar without la belle Shazza
- Sun Apr 14 22:17 Historia de Barcelona, 15/4: * 1134: San Olegario y la entrada de los Templarios en la Corona de Aragón (339) * 1493: Una visión romántica de la recepción de Colón por los Reyes Católicos (775) * 1507: Empezada la capilla de san Sebastián por voto de la…
- Mon Apr 15 06:03 Comment: @justinjerez @DanielJHannan @Conservatives Dude needs to work on his timing.
- Mon Apr 15 22:23 Historia de Barcelona, 16/4: * 1549: Carlos I de España jura los fueros (14) * 1843: Apertura del Teatro Nuevo (7) * 1848: Domingo de Ramos (324/i) * 1918: Pla: De vegades em passejo pels carrers amb l’exclusiu objecte de mirar la cara dels homes i de…
- Tue Apr 16 07:28 RIP Maurice Sutcliffe, here on Partisans, Chetniks, Cossacks etc in Slavonia 1944-5: I didn't know about Tito's role as recruiter for the International Brigades in Spain
- Tue Apr 16 07:43 I shall arise / with extra fries
- Tue Apr 16 08:01 Terry Gilliam: "Our headlines are about this stuff every day. The only difference now is people have lost a lot of their sense of humour that they had back when we made the film."
- Tue Apr 16 08:21 So what's the word for the person who shields a protégé? Protectionniste?
- Tue Apr 16 13:13 When I saw my first McDonald's I think I realised it was a chain.
- Tue Apr 16 17:08 Jörg Perleberg, trainer of police dogs and now Málaga organ-grinder. He doesn't sing but he does give his earnings to charity.
- Tue Apr 16 17:09 Vatican reacts with disbelief
- Tue Apr 16 23:08 Historia de Barcelona, 17/4: * Miércoles Santo es el 17 de abril este año; en 1848 fue el 19 de abril * 1456: El día de San Jorge es declarado fiesta oficial (55+25) * 1919: Pla: Trobo Hermós, mudat com un senyor * ☼ 06:06-19:35, 13:28 horas; ☾ luna…
- Wed Apr 17 05:22 Fritz Wunderlich: when heaven is a tubby German Working on a trombone and barrel organ version
- Wed Apr 17 05:33 Comment: (The aria is "Che gelida manina," not "When heaven is a tubby German" - gap in the market)
- Wed Apr 17 05:58 Surely plagiarised from Finn McCool
- Wed Apr 17 07:14 Comment: @FinanceHog @ByRobDavies Look around and you'll get a whole lamb for that
- Wed Apr 17 07:17 Comment: @Transblawg Here you go
- Wed Apr 17 21:18 Disinclined to take lessons in dining etiquette from someone with red wine stains on her ceiling.
- Wed Apr 17 23:18 Historia de Barcelona, 18/4: * Jueves Santo es el 18 de abril este año; en 1626 fue el 9 de abril * ... y en 1848 fue el 20 de abril * 1807: Frutos, géneros y efectos admitidos libres de aranceles aduaneros a la ciudad (132+383) * 1809: Un policía en…
- Thu Apr 18 05:58 Morning tonic: Andy Casserley singing Searching For Lambs
- Thu Apr 18 07:03 Lilo & Stitch works fine as Lilo & Stich for Spanish speakers, so whence the Lilo & Stick movement?
- Thu Apr 18 07:41 Off to Brizzle this weekend to take revenge on their public transport
- Thu Apr 18 08:51 ¡Qué buen descubrimiento: el germá Germán de Diego y de las gambas! Pero le falta una coreografía Daphnis et Chloé con organillero
- Thu Apr 18 08:53 - Table for 24, please - But there's only 13 of you - I know, but we're all going to sit on the same side
- Thu Apr 18 09:11 Constraining basket numbers to limit aisle congestion also standard in modern retail. Wonder how this plays out in online retail - packers with trolleys in aisles of warehouse
- Thu Apr 18 15:28 Working through a leg of Easter lamb to prevent me dying of dementia
- Thu Apr 18 18:29 Nigerian Hebrew Israelites in their KKK costumes washing each other's feet and pates outside, but are they pro or contra Pontius Pilate?
- Thu Apr 18 19:32 "Thai food," "typhoid," whatever.
- Thu Apr 18 22:09 The true purpose of under-used Spanish regional airports: auditoria
- Thu Apr 18 23:24 Historia de Barcelona, 19/4: * Viernes Santo/Viernes Bueno es el 19 de abril este año; en 1847 fue el 2 de abril * ... y en 1848 fue el 21 de abril * 1848: Miércoles Santo, 1848 (1393) * 1919: Pla: Dissabte Sant * ☼ 06:03-19:37, 13:33 horas; ☾ luna…
- Fri Apr 19 06:49 Comment: @jpikov Ups!
- Fri Apr 19 23:32 Historia de Barcelona, 20/4: * Sábado Santo es el 20 de abril este año; en 1847 fue el 3 de abril * ... y en 1847 fue el 3 de abril * ... y en 1847 fue el 3 de abril * ... y en 1848 fue el 22 de abril * 1439: Una oveja es indebidamente embargada bajo…
- Sat Apr 20 17:04 It is possible that the Larkhall Inn, Bath, was even better in 1956
- Sun Apr 21 00:17 Historia de Barcelona, 21/4: * Domingo de Resurrección es el 21 de abril este año; en 1847 fue el 4 de abril * ... y en 1848 fue el 23 de abril * ... y en 1842 fue el 27 de marzo * 1486: Desde Castilla, Fernando II dicta sentencia arbitral acabando con…
- Mon Apr 22 00:24 Historia de Barcelona, 22/4: * Lunes de Pascua es el 22 de abril este año; en 1848 fue el 24 de abril * ... y en 1452 fue el 10 de abril * 1452: Barcelona pide a varios conventos oraciones para acabar con varias pestilencias (48+71/i) * 1533: Llega…
- Mon Apr 22 22:44 Historia de Barcelona, 23/4: * 1382: Duelo con consecuencia fatal entre Atarazanas y Montjuic (188) * 1490: Fechada la Piedad Desplá, obra maestra de Bermejo (19+246/i) * 1533: Empieza una fiesta de San Jorge de cinco días para Carlos I (544) * 1720:…
- Tue Apr 23 23:27 Historia de Barcelona, 24/4: * 1829: Ábrese la Real Fábrica de Cigarros (48+529) * 1848: Lunes de Pascua, 1848 (849) * 1918: Pla: Quan en una casa hi ha un boig explícit, gairebé tots els qui formen part de la família ho són una mica * 1919: Pla: Com…
- Wed Apr 24 05:41 Why the middle-aged are all psychos
- Wed Apr 24 05:41 Wurst Bank
- Wed Apr 24 05:43 Brief and unsolicited glimpse into Facebook: people who believe the Titanic was sunk by fire and people impersonating other people so they'll have some friends
- Wed Apr 24 06:36 Great doc by Fabio Caramaschi last night at UCL Italian Film Club/Italia DOC: Pugni in faccia / Dark Corner re boxer Mirco Ricci, who I tend to think of as the Italian Javi García Roche. Many thanks to @the1Stefania for organising & hoping for a 4th season
- Wed Apr 24 08:37 Surely I'm not the first to tell @Scotmaritime that ship is feminine in Gaelic, as is shipwreck... Will Brexit include the proscription of all gendered languages?
- Wed Apr 24 09:05 mangetout = man get out. removal will require brain surgery
- Wed Apr 24 21:13 Police helicopter hovering outside for half an hour, so I go out and shout, "She's not here!" and they booger off. #MarriageOfInconvenience
- Wed Apr 24 22:47 Comment: @Master_Plum Que empiecen con el inglés - el Jafaican de Hackney me cuesta
- Wed Apr 24 23:32 Historia de Barcelona, 25/4: * 1333: Hambre grandísima y subida de precios, peste (101+5) * 1533: Carlos I ofrece pagar las tarifas aduaneras sobre su ropa (47) * 1706: Cae Montjuic a los borbónicos, muriendo su ingeniero en jefe (40+162) * 1970: "Primer…
- Thu Apr 25 09:17 One of Ray Ventura's better translations: Les plus grands poètes, même les décadents, / Aiment les bananes, parce qu'y a pas d'os dedans!
- Thu Apr 25 21:10 Thread. I love the whale pulpit
- Thu Apr 25 23:36 Historia de Barcelona, 26/4: * 0911: Muere el conde Wifredo II de Barcelona (15) * 1556: Justas en el Born (4/i) * 1814: Alegria y peleas al firmarse la retirada francesa (217) * 1918: Pla: A certes hores del dia, a l’hora baixa, per exemple, el perfum…
- Fri Apr 26 15:49 RIP AMA
- Fri Apr 26 15:58 Comment: @steve_guy Thanks mate!
- Fri Apr 26 16:02 Apparently people want to crowdfund NCT classes for me in exchange for video recordings which they can laugh at when they are drunk, which is most of the time.
- Sat Apr 27 00:55 Historia de Barcelona, 27/4: * 1460: Bacanal en el Consejo de Ciento (31) * 1706: Las tropas aliadas entran en la ciudad, supuestamente desembarcando en barcas de pescadores (533/i) * 1919: Pla: La primavera, tan aèria, té, sobre el cos, un pes…
- Sat Apr 27 17:21 Guardian clickbait. (Hint: the Spanish elections are tomorrow.)
- Sun Apr 28 00:58 Historia de Barcelona, 28/4: * 1770: Traslado del archivo de la corona de Aragón del palacio real al archivo de la Audiencia (17) * 1848: Fiesta de san Prudencio (27) * 1901: Hasta 8 de mayo, graves disturbios promovidos por los catalanistas (0) * 1918:…
- Sun Apr 28 22:03 Historia de Barcelona, 29/4: * 1462: Es sacada la bandera municipal en los ventanales de la casa de la ciudad durante la guerra civil (49) * 1842: Romería a la ermita de san Pedro Mártir, 1842 (48) * 1848: Romería a la ermita de san Pedro Mártir, 1848…
- Mon Apr 29 22:45 Historia de Barcelona, 30/4: * 1529: Entrada solemne de Carlos I de España para celebrar cortes (12) * 1599: El sobrino nieto de Andrea Doria dispara contra la ciudad por no recibirle como persona real (98) * 1848: Fundación de la Asociacion defensora…
- Tue Apr 30 07:33 Terribly sad to hear of the death of Clive Fenner, a great and lovely man
- Tue Apr 30 09:03 Time for a 16-year-old Cassandra from Swindon #MoonrakerPower
- Tue Apr 30 22:52 Historia de Barcelona, 1/5: * ~1115: Masacre de Almorávides cerca de Castelldefels (246+247) * 1493: Carta de Pedro Mártir sobre Colón (74) * 1535: Carlos I come en la calle Ancha par ver entrar las galeras de Andrea Doria antes de la expedición a Túnez…
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