Homeless Chinese in Barcelona
Plus, how to acquire a country house for next to nothing.
Great tunes, great doggerel, small simians
Plus, how to acquire a country house for next to nothing.
Some terrible discoveries along the Llobregat.
Destined to save the nation? More numerous than thought? Someone explain, please.
This claim helped defeat Valentine Shortis’ insanity plea at his murder trial in 1895-6, but was it true?
Can something be done about the nutters who use scientific rather than common names for Wikipedia articles, or is it time to call the whole thing off?
Away with those canine metaphors! More Cela in translation!
A phonological curiosity from coastal Cantabria, with speculation as to the supernatural powers of María Teresa Fernández de la Vega.
Immortalised in the “disastrous cowboy” genre of jokes.
Some historical advice from an Irish perspective for Esperanza Aguirre on the pitfalls of attempting to demonstrate by symbolic means the virile and libertarian spirit of Madrid in the invented and regrettable conflict between it and doldrummed Barcelona.
A Portuguese menagerie of sozzledness.