Do financial instruments count as technology?

Re this, JB comments that showing any kind of relationship between financial and technological innovation is kind of hard, but rather liked this illustration – of what happens when you let an entrepreneur also run monetary policy. (When was Spain’s first bubble? Spanish Wikipedia is big on Anglo disasters, but doesn’t mention Spanish railways in…
A broker converting coin into MIssissippi stock in the Dutch print series, Het grote tafereel der dwaasheid, The great scene of folly.

Good Barcelona World rants

Miquel at Tot Barcelona suspects this may just be another scheme to enrich the Catalan oligarchy at the cost of the rest, while Salvador Sostres wonders why, since profit trails here generally lead to fiscal paradises rather than reinvestment, the ruling class describe themselves as Catalan, rather than Swiss, patriots. Did Barcelona’s tourist crime entrepreneurs…

What to do about the miners

Now the Spanish government has adopted my scheme to reduce the number of ayuntamientos, they will surely be on the line soon to purchase my ancient and well-documented plan to provide work for miners and reduce emissions, which has been pirated by at least one other joker: sequester and crack CO2, lump the carbon, and…

Gaudí Sands, a retro slave colony?

Gaudí’s work was financed from the fortune built upon Joan Güell’s Cuban slave empire, so if Eurovegas is going to come to the marshes of the Llobregat, what more appropriate way to staff it than by shackling and transporting some of the tens of thousands of locally unemployed Africans?