Ear, ear

How to get drugs without a prescription on match days.

Tivoli, Rotherham

Because of the fame of the gardens of the Villa d’Este [at Tivoli] (and of their namesake in Paris), the name has also been applied to other entities: … A stand at the Millmoor stadium in Rotherham.
Photo CC <a href='http://www.flickr.com/photos/ingythewingy/2040645465/'>Ingy The Wingy</a>


Check out Liga Loca on silent minutes and Manuel Stimulo on how “a stupid communist French idea about promoting peace among nations through sports events in which their citizens would participate as amateur idiots [was transformed] into a powerhouse steamtrain of propaganda for competition, professionalism, the Triumph of the Will, battering the weak into submission,…

In praise of British arse

How amiably drunken shagfests could resolve the burka problem in a manner acceptable to freedom-loving readers of this blog.

Otra Liga es posible

An Iberian proposal would slash wage costs, free up time and talent for cashflow-friendly shagshow opportunities, and assimilate football to mainstream Peninsular cultural practice.