Granddad’s Armistice in letters and recollections. Glimpses ante hoc of Cameronians & Royal Scots (52nd Division) in the Eastern Mediterranean and on the Somme; of ambulance trains in Northern France; of 6th Battalion York & Lancaster Regiment (11th Division) during the terminal Hundred Days Offensive to Mons, Belgium; and post hoc of base hospitals, influenza, and an exchange with one Wolfram Sterry regarding his brother Karl. Introducing Kandy the Maltese terrier.
Impossible automata for my street organ this holiday season. Featuring Georg Büchner, Ignaz Bruder, German Christmas pyramids, dancing Hasidim, Lieutenant Kijé as you’ve probably never seen it, Le Tigre, and a crustacean.
Cómo introducir la juventud a los auténticos valores socialistas; y cómo calentar la leche para tu café fácilmente, sin ensuciar la cacerola ni que se forme piel encima de la leche.
Porque todo el mundo sabe que Hitler se llamó Rodolfo: Juan Antonio encanta por su fantasía y fonología. “Mi novia era bonita / El barco era español” suena raro-absurdo, pero se entiende quizá mejor pensando en un tiempo cuando el mundo se construía en términos del falso profeta Freud. La /g/ final (“eng la segunda…
Since I’m arsing around this morning, here’s some more chicken news. There’s a good story developing up in Pont de Molins, a small village near Figueres, at the moment, where Adela Sánchez has been put on trial accused of murdering Mercè Catalán’s rooster, Matildo. Adela and her daughter, Paqui, had previously sat up at night…