
A friend out walking in the Aragonese pre-Pyrenees the other day came across an old farmhouse in the middle of nowhere that was obviously in the final stages of conversion to a country grillhouse. Inside she discovered a man and a woman, surrounded by empty bottles of beer, paralytically drunk. The man was from Rumania,…

The bishop and the train to Teruel

Ja se’n va el tren d’Olotfent xup, xup,se’n va el tren d’Olot. Surt quan voli arriba quan pot;fent xup, xup,se’n va el tren d’Olot.Popular The real news this morning is, as always, from Aragon. In a development that will bankrupt Ladbrokes when I collect, Chairman Alf/Warren Mitchell has led the Chunta Aragonesista to a 0.04…

no price on this one

It took a couple of decades for the rural population to escape the Aragonese Pyrenees. Chernobyl was quicker. Check these photos (via Boing Boing).

village for sale: €650K

Uninhabited village, 25 houses with 80 hectares next to the Ordesa and Monte Perdido national park in the Aragonese Pyrenees for only €650K: I’ve only been to this one once and can’t comment further, but sales of deserted hamlets of this nature are going to become more frequent, even in Catalonia, as the Ryanair effect…

talk tonight

If you’re not already tied up (or down) this evening, try to make it along to the Institut d’Estudis Catalans (Carme 47), where John Barrass, director and editor of Barcelona Business, is giving a talk at 19:30 entitled Invertir a Catalunya: totxos, cargols i carreteres. I think it’s open to all, and, with Aragon apparently…

Reflets sur l’eau

When we went down to the beach last Saturday to see how much of it had survived last week’s storms, a little old man was sitting on the wooden decking of the walkway drinking beer. We sat next to him and exchanged pleasantries while he finished one can and opened another. Thus emboldened, our Cordovan…

september betekent regen

… en het landschap wordt ineens veel mooier. Dit plaatje is van de oude badlands boven Lleida, waar de Catalaanse bergen een Aragonees accent krijgen:

Ooh I really hate that Tony Blair, by Rafael Ramos

Those of you with a memory longer than those interesting socks your boss is wearing this morning may remember that I pointed out in May that Rafael Ramos, La Vanguardia’s correspondent in London, appeared to be semi-literate, prone to invention, and a plagiarist. When I complained to the paper’s ombudsman, Josep Maria Casasús, he emailed…