“Virginity is an overrated virtue”

Granddad’s Armistice in letters and recollections. Glimpses ante hoc of Cameronians & Royal Scots (52nd Division) in the Eastern Mediterranean and on the Somme; of ambulance trains in Northern France; of 6th Battalion York & Lancaster Regiment (11th Division) during the terminal Hundred Days Offensive to Mons, Belgium; and post hoc of base hospitals, influenza, and an exchange with one Wolfram Sterry regarding his brother Karl. Introducing Kandy the Maltese terrier.

No early photos so far from the steel boxes, so here's grandpa with grandma at Winchester Cathedral in 1972.

Pooch-pigeon porn preview

I was having a chat about stuff with Pete Doherty this morning, and he tells me that because of the common genetic ancestry of most of the races of the Milky Way galaxy, many species are able to interbreed with or without the help of genetic technology. In fact dogs and doves are quite similar,…


Penile art. (Via Enschede aan Zee)

Those velociphilic Spanish

Richard Williams in the Guardian re a carelessly parked car in London: Unimaginable in France, Italy or Spain, where bikes and bike racing are part of the fabric of life, and motorists take care to give cyclists extra room on the road. Could “bike-friendly Latins” be the new “tolerant Dutch“? For a small fee (insurance…

Dutch beer joke

Re this, this: A gent from Grolsch is in a bar with colleagues from Heineken and Bavaria. The Heineken man orders a Heineken, the Bavaria man a Bavaria, and the Grolsch man a glass of urine. “Why don’t you get a Grolsch?” the others ask. “Well you’re not drinking beer either,” says the man from…