BS has kindly pointed out that Lérida has a selective digitalised press archive going back to 1896. With ref to this, he notes the existence of similar commemorative genocidal banging by children in the city in the early twentieth century (?): –Where are you off to this early? –To kill Jews, mum! –Don’t you know…
Thanks to Margaret Marks for pointing out this excellent article by Dídac Pujol of UPF. What I miss in his suggestions and in Catalan obscenity and Catalan in general is the sonic violence of “fuck”. Spanish is fine, with its jódete velar fricatives, but Catalan swearing just isn’t scary. (The Journal of Specialised Translation looks…
I thought he’d have been chauffeured up to within 100m of the chapel, but full marks to Jordi Pujol for walking up to Tagamanent peak from Aiguafreda. The first document I know that features Tagamanent (along with Taradell, as well as Vic, Gurb, and other favourite places) is the early C12th marriage act (available in…
In the week that a guy was stabbed to death in fighting between Catalan fascists (sorry, libertarian bodies and left-wing separatists) and other scum, a manifesto (via the usual gin freaks) calling on Catalans to reject the corrupt sectarianism practised by Pujolist and Maragallian administrations and “demand the existence of a political party that will…
Several mediocre foreign writers make a reasonably good living here by providing cosmopolitan validation for the fears and superstitions of the Catalanista rabble. Artur Mas, heir to Jordi Pujol’s Catalanista crown, goes one better in this morning’s Retaguardia and cites Francis Fukuyama, a foreigner everyone’s heard of, to support the decline-and-fall picture he paints of…
The Francesc Pujols Nuevo Pascual thing last night was entertaining, not least for its distinctly sect-ish atmosphere. Mr Pujols’ disciples, you see, failed last year in their attempt to have the Scientific Catalan Religion accepted by the Ministry of Justice, which functions inter alia as regulator of the theistic industries. Scientific Catalan Religion is apparently…
Re this busked translation of the first part of Francesc Pujols’ La tardor barcelonina, news via Teresa Amat that a new edition of the same man’s El Nuevo Pascual o la Prostitución will be presented tomorrow May 3 at 19:00 at l’Ateneu Barcelonès. I’ll be there if I can prevent my walkers tomorrow from getting…