Politics, the art of confusion

A borrowed verdict on the current public utterances of Spanish officials, and a suggestion that the Catalan national question may be about to be resolved in the same way it was in 1918-23.

The demolition of <a href='http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Four_Columns'>Puig i Cadafalch's symbolic four columns</a> in 1928, CC from <a href='http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Catalunya-Barcelona-EnderrocamentColumnesMontjuic.jpg'>Wikimedia Commons</a>

Otra Liga es posible

An Iberian proposal would slash wage costs, free up time and talent for cashflow-friendly shagshow opportunities, and assimilate football to mainstream Peninsular cultural practice.

Bloody Galicians

But what was Rosa Díez actually trying to say before she so expertly inserted foot into mouth?

Binding referendum on the future of Catalonia, hosted by Kalebeul

In response to confusion in the markets re Spain’s constitutional arrangements and the size and distribution of its public debt, kaleBirthday has, remarkably, gained the consent of the Catalan, Spanish and EU administrations to conduct a binding poll on the future of the troubled region. Vote now or forever hold your peace.