It is incontrovertible that the formal requirements for beatification laid down by the Holy See in 1997 have been largely met by the Campaign for Needless Disinterment: Lorca is long dead, although whether the opportunity for a balance and objective evaluation of his case has been seized is a moot point; Bishop Ian opened his investigation, obtained a generalised nulla osta from Zapatero (see Ley de Memoria Histórica, as well as the relevant apostolic editorials in El País etc), and formed the requisite diocesan tribunal which collected numerous records of the virtues of the candidate; and at least two posthumous miracles have been demonstrated, viz the establishment a new basis for reconciliation with the class enemy, and the first translation known to me of a Spanish poet into Vietnamese:
The path to beatification by the Holy Father appears thus to be clear, but anyone who cares for both Apostolic-Bureaucratic Scripture and Tradition will know that the last thing one should do in such circumstances is go looking for blood and snot attributable to the Blessed Federico in a stony field.
For the True Church, like those damn Muslims, has a glorious tradition of some saints who are miraculously conserved and others who miraculously disappear, but none of saints being dug up in little bits quite a lot later, and the diggers ignored this and were damned.
Or as Lorca, in his own words a Catholic (as well as an anarchist, a Communist, a libertarian, a traditionalist and a monarchist, but not necessarily a Republican), might have put it:
Now I praise you because you remember me in everything, and hold firmly to the traditions, just as I delivered them to you. (1 Corinthians 11:2)
And don’t come at me with any of that “you’re a fascist” shit, you filthy hippies. Beatification and canonisation are rightly opposed by even some Catholic/Communist believers on the grounds that it is wrong to make an object of divine worship something which in this life was but mortal.
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