Coals to Newcastle, or the great Spanish electricity export swindle

If Spain is selling electricity to France, how come Spanish consumer prices are 50% higher than north of the border?

In neither Rafael Méndez’s Las renovables baten otra marca y ya cubren el 35% de la electricidad for El País nor Stephen Burgen’s plagiarised Spain helps out neighbour France in green power surge over at the Guardian do we find the most basic of supply and demand questions: if the Spanish are paying 0.17€/kWh and the French only 0.12€/kWh, why on earth would the latter want to import power from the former?

Are Spanish companies – with government support, betting on winners, etc – exploiting the failure of liberalisation in order to raise prices (50% in five years or something) with which to subsidise overseas expansion? Please, someone, explain to me what’s going on before I convert the house to gas lighting. (For unlike Zapatero, you can rely on the Algerians not to screw us around, right?)

Lucie said the other day that my headlines oversell the content. I hope it’s not becoming a habit.

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  1. The “exports” only took place because the French unions went on strike. This is just the Spanish “alternative” energy sector lying to try and avoid doom now its subsidies are being withdrawn.

  2. It would be so damn convenient if I could just invite some hitech copper thieves in to strip out the heart of the wires and then pump gas through them.

  3. Maybe they can’t keep up for the supply to the whole of France hence some of the power is being imported from Spain. Maybe a power plant or 2 bogged down or something and is under capacity. There are lots of reasons. It could be temporary.

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