Cervantes, prototype for el Cobrador del Frac?

Peter Harvey is suffering from that perennial Spanish problem–translation agencies that don’t pay the modest rates they promise. This blog enjoys dressing up but has no plans to become for the translation sector what el Cobrador del Frac is for the world at large: a debt collection agency which compensates for a deeply flawed legal…

Spanish/French shibboleth commemorates the brief reign of Joseph Bonaparte

Fill in the gaps in this pasquinade on the voiceless velar fricative, which I found last night in Mesonero Romanos’ El antiguo Madrid: En la plaza hay un cartel Que nos dice en castellano Que José, rey italiano, Roba a España su dosel; Y al leer este cartel, Dijo una maja a su majo: —Manolo,…

Going to the dogs

Vague musings on the past and present of hare coursing and greyhound racing in Spain.

Greyhound near Villanueva de la Jara, Cuenca