Eurotopia–a Europe consisting of a host of regional statelets–is actually 15 years old, and was produced by historian Henk Wesseling on request of beer magnate Freddy Heineken as a systematic response to the gradual decline in the efficacy of large (multi-)nation-states. He’s not proposing new, mini-nation states as desired by the less crazy Cataloonies, and…
“Boynamedsue is a collective of Italian anarchists living in a tunnel below the Condis supermarket on Plaça Maragall.” Apparently. Can you visit them? (John lived in a tunnel near Bath for a while. What’s the posh word for a tunnel-dweller?)
There’s a terrible piece by James Sturcke in the Guardian today on the statute of autonomy. It repeats various stale myths about Barça having been a focus of anti-Francoism (links: debunking of football results, piece on recently demonstrated connections between the Barça board and the Spanish ultra-right) and gets its statute facts badly wrong. Some…
One of the best ways to avoid being made redundant is not to take phone calls of any nature midweek. It’s an interesting comment on Maragall’s competence that he chose to reshuffle at a moment when, due to holes in the mobile network, one of his victims couldn’t have answered even if he’d wanted to.…
Kalebeul hopes to avoid the widescale unrest we believe will result from police action against nocturnal street drinks parties by implementing two preventative strategies: 30 years ago three gentlemen in Bar Manolo were given a monthly allowance on condition they drink all the alcohol in Spain. Project delivery date: 20:00 17/3/2006. All streeting from the…
I’m not sure if was such a smart choice of domain, with voters apparently keen to kick out the idiots and reelect the thieves. (The blog link seems to have stopped working. This can’t be because the system doesn’t let him post when he’s drunk, because, as we know, he doesn’t have a problem.)
Someone told me the other night that Joan Maragall’s little jingle is metaphorically cunnilingual, but I’m afraid I’ve forgotten the explanation. I guess you could make a case for lines 1-4:
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