Obscure Spanish footie team told to get rid of Cross of St George on alternative kit

Apparently it might incite violence. Particularly, one suspects, if the directors of the taxpayer-funded Permanent Seminar on International Migration and Foreigners (“an open space for Interculturality and Human Rights“) in Aragon attend home matches of SD Huesca, whose major achievement to date was fifth place in the Second Division in the 1950-1 season. Via Miguel…

Se traspasa bar, no a españoles

Bar Los Baskos on Ramelleres, Barcelona: The interior is a curious clash of old CNT/anarchist graphics with neo-fascist skinhead children. I’m not particularly fond of the one or the other, but I quite like the bar. I suppose, not being Spanish, that I could buy it and turn it into a Hayek shrine. Not sure…

Catalan rustbelt

A Spanish girl and a West African man get off the train from Barcelona and start walking together along the long trackside drag into town, deep in conversation. Suddenly she starts, and crosses the road, and they pass in silence the three old men sitting on a mound on a vacant lot. At the bridge…

Pujol and the future of the race

I just don’t get why Jordi Pujol, the big man of Catalan nationalism over the past 40 years, said that “crossbreeding” (mestissatge) with immigrants would mean the end of Catalonia. My dad’s been shagging Mrs P for years, and the kids are doing fine.

Sounds to kill Jews by

“Then the monsignor left the altar and told us that we could start killing the Jews.”