April tweets
Just the usual load of nonsense.
Great tunes, great doggerel, small simians
Just the usual load of nonsense.
Some terrible discoveries along the Llobregat.
From Gothalania to Land of Alan the Goth.
Can something be done about the nutters who use scientific rather than common names for Wikipedia articles, or is it time to call the whole thing off?
A phonological curiosity from coastal Cantabria, with speculation as to the supernatural powers of María Teresa Fernández de la Vega.
A fragment from Italo Calvino’s quasi-17th century folk romance, Il visconte dimezzato/The cloven viscount, uses storks as a portent of battle. Several unconnected 2nd century Greek accounts might appear to do the same, perhaps particularly if one’s a lazy sod and doesn’t read anything but scraps of stuff on Google Books.
Humiliating linguistic error in PR for Arcadi Espada’s new online newspaper
Spanish reluctance to implement American-style planning, and claims of a uniquely Spanish approach to counter-terrorism.