What to do with all those extra MIDI outputs

amanda steggell: The Emotion Organ (2007) is a synaesthetic simulacrum machine where players can explore the sensational interplay of feeling, seeing, hearing, smelling and motion. It is also a time machine – a re-engineered pump organ from 1895 that combines both old and emerging technology and builds upon a trajectory of several centuries-worth of ideas…

Dangerously cool (interactive) synths

I was thinking about simple visual metaphors to communicate organ works, but digressed. Cue Nick’s World of Synthezisers. Favourite quote, from the slinkyfied Springatron: “I used the golden ratio to work out the lengths of the springs, this was to prevent resonances occurring at the same frequencies and at harmonically related frequencies.”

Philip K. Dick We Can Build You

“Time has passed us by,” Maury said at once to me. “Our electronic organ is obsolete.” “You’re wrong,” I said. “The trend is actually toward the electronic organ because that’s the way America is going in its space exploration: electronic. In ten years we won’t sell one spinet a day; the spinet will be a…

Project blog feed and site have changed address

The project blog feed on oreneta will be dying shortly, so please update to the feed of the official site. There’s a 301 redirect, but you may also wish to change bookmarks for the project blog to ElOrganillero.com. Now at some stage I need to fix the template!

Barrel Moreneta

Thinking about a mannequin to run off the machinery, a Darwinian take on the patroness of Catalonia and her composite stone chimneys came to one’s fetid brain: Has anyone else noticed the similarity between the Catalan regional patron and her mountains, and a monkey and its barrel organ pipes? (The stop-motion monkey unharmed by this…

What did the Catalan-speaking seamstress say on arriving in London W11?

“No tinc hil.” See also Sense dormir la noia, which was apparently a magazine programme on the local radio in that 24*7 metropolis, Sant SadurnĂ­ d’Anoia. Homophonic punning is easier in muddy languages like Catalan and English. David Deterding has a brain-churning collection of phonetic jokes in the latter. An example: When you’ve seen one…