March tweets
More Czechs, Spike Jones, Brexit, burning Guy, Child Ballads, copyright, Robin Hood’s two pricks, and so on.
Great tunes, great doggerel, small simians
More Czechs, Spike Jones, Brexit, burning Guy, Child Ballads, copyright, Robin Hood’s two pricks, and so on.
The latest barrel organ news from Hackney, London.
Another abundance of redundance. Featuring Russian, German and Italian puppetry, organ-grinding, and other nonsense.
More monkey mess from the peripatetic Homerton/Hackney barrel organ.
The latest barrel organ news from Hackney, London.
But were organ-grinders really complicit in the 1817 killing at Rodez of the French politician Fualdès, as the translation suggests, or were the vielles hurdy-gurdies, as you’d expect?
A little experiment, featuring “Tulips from Amsterdam”, “Hungry, hungry” from Dr Seuss, and “When you are old and grey” by one of the authors of “Random walks with restraining barrier as applied to the biased binary counter.”