why don’t i get these gigs?

Fuarosa Tamati and her daughter were given $26K by the New Zealand government to go to New York, LA and a bunch of Pacific islands to listen to hip-hop:

“Having an overseas experience is really good because I am the type of person who learns visually, I am not an academic at all,” said Fuarosa… [who while] not a hip-hop expert … said she knew the New Zealand industry and was the aunt of top-selling New Zealand rap artist Scribe. “Nothing major came of the trip, apart from seeing it all happen. What we wanted to figure out was if hip-hop went through the islands before it arrived in New Zealand, and we found that it did, which is probably quite logical.”

Hip-ops, not hip-hop, said National Party MP, Katherine Rich, who is bitter and twisted and probably into death metal.

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