Dear me, yet another evil car driver!

Den mailed to point out a site run by a Barcelona taxi driver, Francisco Dugo aka Taxi Tupi, with a webcam and lots of lovely photos. How public-spirited!

Er, Den, all the photos look rather like work by Enric Corberó on Virtourist, and that isn’t a webcam since the pictures obviously aren’t even vaguely live.

Since Mr Dugo borrows other people’s stuff, I’ll show you the Javascript which he uses to make his slide carousel run and which he tries to hide from you. First you put this code inside a Javascript declaration between your head tags:

Then you include this inside your body tag:

Finally you put this somewhere in the body:

There, a webcam! Now relax and wait for the TV producers to call.

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  1. Actually I emailed him a few months ago to ask if he genuinely had a webcam. He said there were “technical difficulties” with the idea. There are if you don’t own one, yes.

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