Ah! an adjective!

“Oh beautiful and natural Catalonia! The art of blending flavors with the Mediterranean influence!”

Teaching the world to sing in pure cacophony

Some bloke up in Argèles (Roussillon) is going to start producing a Catalan nationalist ripoff of Coca-Cola, along the lines of the Arab, Breton and other sorry travesties. This is excellent news, because now a simple blood test will suffice to discover the real idiots among us, assuming they don’t poison themselves first.

Another crap restaurant

Camper’s core business is shoes, which explains why they are opening a restaurant in Barcelona. Oops, sorry, Foodball is neither a bar nor a restaurant…[it is] a way of looking at eating culture… Camper is not targeting any particular age range, which is perhaps in recognition of the demographic diversity of natural and ethical consumers.…

Catalonia Today: light, bland, should do fine

No, not Catalonia Today the magazine, nor Catalonia Today the Generalitat PR splurge, but the English-language daily to be launched on June 15th. Today a dummy run was enclosed in El Punt, and – barring some linguistic and factual howlers (Carod, the front page informs us, is “deputy president” of Catalonia) – it looks OK.…

Hairy-tongued holies

The story in El Punt about the priests who have warned that Alt Empordà, with its rich assortment of popular roadside establishments, is becoming Europe’s whorehouse is entitled Sense pèls a la llengua, which means figuratively that they didn’t mince their words and literarily that they didn’t have hair on their tongues. The sub responsible…

Blog and get paid

Check Wired’s Nick Denton piece. What with all due respect I think they haven’t understood is the way that targetted advertising is going to tip the scales away from the traditional media and their silly old ad sales teams. The problem in places like Barcelona tends to be the extreme conservatism of commercial advertisers and…