Taken from the back cover of Donald K Burleson’s new Oracle9i UNIX Administration Handbook, this has to be the worst ever, worse than the lounge at Luton, worse even than divorcee cruises out of Miami, although possibly not as hard on the liver: More shortly on the highlight.
I don’t normally read David de Ugarte, but this is strange: Las asociaciones de periodistas declaran como objetivo “luchar contra el intrusismo profesional”, conocidos comunicadores braman contra “los que pretenden hacerse pasar por periodistas” en la web y nuestras saturadas facultades alertan a sus estudiantes de que sus futuros puestos de trabajo están en peligro…
If the gentleman opposite were to imitate Stefan@MemeFirst’s excellent unlicensed extension of the 1776ft Freedom Tower scheme, he’d be able to give his building two names: for official purposes, The Tiberias Building Building, and in recognition of the illegal storey he has balanced on top, The Fidenae Stadium Collapse Building.
This morning’s revelations of a depression Prozac symbiosis are nothing more than a variation on the old Guinness-is-good-for-you pub therapy industry. The trick is to recognise it as such and manage it effectively. While it is evident that Hank Williams failed in the latter respect, I think that one of his songs contains a remarkable…