Dubbing American diversity

When Latin American characters appear in an American series or film, in Spain the convention is to transform them into speakers of standard peninsular Spanish.

I never watch telly and I go to see original version film shows, so this is the kind of thing I miss:

When Latin American characters appear in an American series or film, in Spain the convention is to transform them into speakers of standard peninsular Spanish. In some cases these people are dubbed as if they were speaking Portuguese instead of Castilian, which resolves various translation problems at the expense of fidelity to the original text… The ease with which the Spanish public has accepted that Latin American characters become “invisible”, to use feminist terminology, is something I find striking.

This is the same kind of linguistic homogenisation I commented on here.

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  1. Things must have changed in the last few years, coz last time I watched Terminator 2 on Tele 5, the Chicano characters had been dubbed by the bloke who does Speedy Gonzalez in Eeeeeeennnnggggliiiiish.

    There is literally nothing good about Spanish dubbing.

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