
Me gusta lo de los leperos: Está el alcalde dictándole una orden al secretario: – Convócame una reunión para el viernes. – Señor alcalde – le replica el secretario – ¿Viernes es con “v” o con “b”? – Aplázala para el lunes. Últimamente en Barcelona veo mucho desalluno. Es yeísmo–y análogo a la relación tipo…


Looks like phoney Catholic Catalanista candidate Montilla imploded today (via Barcepundit). But who/what the heck is Barrocs? (Check Rivera getting an easy ride over on CNN+.)


In Spain it’s a cubana, a Cuban, the Uruguayans call it una paja rusa, a Russian wank (not to be confused with a Russian mountain, una montaña rusa, which is a big dipper in the nicest of senses), while José João Dias Almeida’s excellent dictionary of Portuguese argot (calaõ) and idiom informs us that his…


Has a pretty comprehensive list of online dictionaries and the like. It’s a French site, and that’s what I was looking for. I wonder about the interpretations of some of the proverbs in Randle Cotgrave’s 1611 French-English. “Ce qui est venu par la fleute s’en retourne avec le Tabourin/What the pipe hath gathered the Taber…


A performancer is someone who gives performances. I am one–or so a Barcelona booking agency told me this morning–and googling demonstrates that there are more of us, spread across the domain dominated by Eurenglish. Performers of the world, adapt or die.


Gerry Studds was, as far as I know, the only Portuguese-speaking member of the US Congress. His name always made me think of that bit in “My old man’s a dustman” which goes “He wears gor-blimey trousers/With the studs sewn down the back.” Googling I find “He wears cor-blimey trousers/And he lives in a council…


Penile art. (Via Enschede aan Zee)

2000 Catalan insults

Over at Toni Ibàñez, via Carlos Ferrero. A lot to learn–people only say nice things to me.

Catalan dialect of Spanish

BCN Week Publisher Jennifer Cross “also soon discovered the value of having sales staff who speak the Catalan dialect of Spanish.” If she thinks Catalan is a dialect of Spanish, then she’s grossly ignorant; if, however, she’s referring to the differences between Catalan Spanish and the standard language, then she’s got the linguistics right and…