Barcelona’s greatest Dutch pop star

Siegfried Anton den Boer/Siegfried Andre Den Boer Kramer/Anthony van den Boer/Tony Ronald/Tonny Ronald etc, born Arnhem 1941/1943/1944, permanently resident in Barcelona from 1959/1960, recording nevertheless in Holland in Dutch and German until 1963, either has the best or the worst memory in the world. Here’s his 1971 summer hit, Help!, in Spanish:

… and in English (sound dubbed over Spanish video):

Marco Vrolijk, drummer of Supersister from The Hague, said in his review of the then Dutch top 10:

Bad English pronunciation, especially at the beginning… I could do without this. He’s doing well in Spain, but I don’t rate him at all as a singer.

Tony said:

If I’d done the same in Holland as I did in Spain, I’d never have made it… There comes a time when people are just sick of listening to you. And then you’ve got a problem. There’s less of that in Spain. That country’s advantage is that it’s easy to cross to South America. There’s also a pretty big circuit of nightclubs. That’s much easier in Spain than in Holland.

Apparently Tony has retired to a pretty village just outside Barcelona. One Marco Vrolijk has a carpentry and odd job business in The Hague.

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