Miraculous almond tree cures eczema

And it’s free.

Click <a href='http://lh5.ggpht.com/_nuwVlhsiZ04/SafnxKehBRI/AAAAAAAAaxA/iKVBf2GuJUI/s800/P1070117.JPG'>here</a> for a larger version

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I have been coming assiduously to this almond tree for the last five years.

I had eczema which had lasted for more than five months.

After trying a multitude of ointments on prescription from various doctors I still experienced no improvement.

On the 3rd of January I went to the almond tree and rubbed its earth over the eczema and immediately felt a great sense of relief, I stopped itching and it has now disappeared completely.

I give a thousand thanks to God for having cured me.


You are welcome to try for yourself, whether you suffer from dermatological problems or simply enjoy wallowing in mud with pretty high calcium content. A good friend had the most hideous eczema for years and I think he’d have been up for it. And from a naturalist’s point of view it is way better than hugging trees without even bothering to discover their species. It can be found on a variant of this walk, which looks like this in spring:

And all the year round:

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