Some FAQs, and a welcome to folks coming from

… which caught me the other day after an extremely heavy lunch but manages to make me sound pretty coherent. A couple of people have suggested over the past couple of years that this blog is Hispanophobe, part of a venerable Anglo-Saxon plot against the Catholic Monarchs, or something. My original nom de plume makes…

Politics, the art of confusion

A borrowed verdict on the current public utterances of Spanish officials, and a suggestion that the Catalan national question may be about to be resolved in the same way it was in 1918-23.

The demolition of <a href=''>Puig i Cadafalch's symbolic four columns</a> in 1928, CC from <a href=''>Wikimedia Commons</a>

Brave potatoes

Served at Café & Té in Plaça Kennedy, Barcelona. More over at Peter Harvey.


Check out Liga Loca on silent minutes and Manuel Stimulo on how “a stupid communist French idea about promoting peace among nations through sports events in which their citizens would participate as amateur idiots [was transformed] into a powerhouse steamtrain of propaganda for competition, professionalism, the Triumph of the Will, battering the weak into submission,…

Ash cloud already in Asia, says the Spanish press

Malaprensa has from JMNoticias a stupendous English-Spanish cockup. Reuters put out a story in English explaining that the chaos caused in Europe by ash from Eyjafjallajökull was leading to knock-on problems for Asian airports forced to deal with thousands of stranded passengers. The Spanish news agency Europa Press mistranslated this as the ash cloud itself…