Duffin Dagels’ rip-off of Dunkin’ Donuts – brand theft at its most vulgar

Here. At least the Vuitton fakes look good for a week, but you’d have to be pretty subnormal to be seen alive/dead in Duffin Dagels, and pretty legally clueless to buy a franchise off Antonio Crespo Lopez – or perhaps not, if Spain’s record on intellectual property protection in digital markets is a reliable guide.…

Dictatorship of the castriat

Don Colin, who has more members than Lingual S&M, wonders whether this is de la abeja rodillas. Just out of interest, here’s the original 1st para: Se encuentra a pie mar, sobre una pequeña península y, durante el siglo I a.C., las gentes que lo habitaron vivían en unas 20 viviendas en forma circular dentro…