Miquel at Tot Barcelona suspects this may just be another scheme to enrich the Catalan oligarchy at the cost of the rest, while Salvador Sostres wonders why, since profit trails here generally lead to fiscal paradises rather than reinvestment, the ruling class describe themselves as Catalan, rather than Swiss, patriots. Did Barcelona’s tourist crime entrepreneurs…
Re monkey hanging in Britain and Spain, MC points me to ¡Mata Un Mono, Mata Un Inglés!, a nationalist anthem by the late 80s fascistoid-friki band Pabellón Psiquiátrico: Yo sé cuándo llega el verano se pudre la fruta y aparecen los gusanos. Gusanos de papel gusanos grises gusanos sanos ¡no entiendo lo que dicen! ¡Mata…
Bring out your dirty tickets: But no: Tickets sales, tickets sale, when all I wanted was ticket sales. Well, then, just show me the way to the next tourist office: The latter is in Valencia’s great Northern Station, which, confusingly for those with a basic understanding of conventional geography, is just outside Valencia’s vanished medieval…
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