Video de la fiesta holandesa en abril

Extractos de “Aan de Amsterdamse grachten” y “Aan de Costa del Sol (tingelingeling)”, dos de los cuarenta números que canté el día 28 para los holandeses de provincia Tarragona, en este video de Ted Scholte: Fue mi primera gran salida y disfruté mucho. Desde la asociación me contaron que normalmente tendrían unas 400 personas en…

Business Over Tapas

I’ve just received my first copy of Business Over Tapas, a weekly bulletin from Lenox Napier, and I’d warmly recommend it to the rest of you. It combines sourced summaries of recent press in English, Spanish, German, and whatever else I have missed, with original reporting and analysis from Lenox (some tasters here), the economist…


One wonders whether IRQ is aware of the meaning of the name of this Madrilenian psychedelic blues-rock band.

What do you call an Eskimo with bananas in his ears?

The customary riposte is near the end of this post, but Enrique Jardiel Poncela gives a roundabout and, for those of us who believe that English in Spain is often merely decorative, relevant answer in his great erotic-absurdist comedy, Amor se escribe sin hache (1929). Paco Arencibia has just progressed from being the lover of…

More splendid photos of Granada, Penedès

But still no solution to my question as to which travelling geo-entrepreneur copied the name of Santa Fe from the County of Barcelona to the Kingdom of Granada. I am not sure Santa Fe agrees with me or with having Reconquista romances recited from its church steps, but I’m rather fond of Granada itself, and…
Granada with the Sierra Nevada in the background. No, wait.

Por qué los españoles no nazis siguen llamando Adolfo a sus hijos

Porque todo el mundo sabe que Hitler se llamó Rodolfo: Juan Antonio encanta por su fantasía y fonología. “Mi novia era bonita / El barco era español” suena raro-absurdo, pero se entiende quizá mejor pensando en un tiempo cuando el mundo se construía en términos del falso profeta Freud. La /g/ final (“eng la segunda…