But what will be the everlasting fruits of the Second Crimean War?

CWI featured more or less the same adversaries and dealt with the same geopolitics, although this time the trigger is the looming NW/SE partition of the Ukraine, leaving a bankrupt Kiev with no Black Sea port and the task of negotiating cross-border traffic with their second-worst enemies, the Poles. The EU, its famous army, and…

Historical pantomime

Why Javier Cercas’ pseudo-authentic Anatomía de un instante so appalled me, and El Follonero’s 23-F mockumentary Operación Palace struck me as brilliant. I’d have liked some Austen zombies, but I suppose their moment has passed. (Of cats and hares. I gave up Galdós’ inventions of nation ages ago, but enjoyed them at the time, rather…
Dan Leno, the Great Dame of Lambeth, in Mother Goose.